9. Who Are You (1978)

The Who’s fastest-selling album at the time was released three weeks before Keith Moon’s death. Interestingly enough, it stands as a major document of the band’s other fallen member, John Entwistle, who penned three of the songs, himself. Together, Entwistle and Moon hold the rhythm section firm, but it’s an odd effort, all-around. There are some disco flourishes, “905” being nearly unrecognizable as a Who tune. (It still makes for an interesting listen; no doubt about it.)

The title track has long been a constant in the group’s greatest-hits rotation. Still, it’s not deserving of that honor. The lyrics are mostly empty — besides the fact that Moon did once wake up to police in a SoHo doorway — and crass without purpose. But, at least, we all got to use the couple of “fuck” bombs on our parents when they tried to take our Wu-Tang records away.