Courtney Love’s Father Says His New Book Will Prove Her Involvement In Kurt Cobain’s Death

Courtney Love’s Father Says His New Book Will Prove Her Involvement In Kurt Cobain’s Death

Who knew one of the world’s biggest Courtney Love conspiracy theorists was Love’s own father? According to Radar (via The Daily Mail), Love’s estranged father — ex-Grateful Dead manager Hank Harrison — believes she was closely involved with Kurt Cobain’s death and intends to prove it when he republishes his book Love Kills: The Assassination Of Kurt Cobain. “No doubt she was capable,” Harrison told Radar. “I can’t prove she pulled the trigger, but I can prove her involvement to a high degree of certainty.”

Harrison claims he became 100 percent certain that Love was involved with Cobain’s death earlier this week when the Seattle police shared a note from Cobain’s wallet that contained disparaging remarks about Love. Although many have speculated that the note, which refers to Love as a “bitch with zits” among other jabs, could easily have been an inside joke between Cobain and Love, Harrison says it is a crucial piece of evidence against his daughter: “If you read the true meaning of this small note, and place it in conjunction with the rest of the evidence, anyone with even half a wit will see that something dire and awful took place.” He’s also suspicious of the Seattle PD’s motives for releasing so much evidence 20 years later: “Nobody, except me, asked the obvious question: ‘Why weren’t they developed 20 years ago?’ They weren’t developed because the police had already decided it was a suicide and didn’t need any more evidence.”

Who else is surprised this guy didn’t make it into Soaked In Bleach?

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