This Week in GIFs!

This Week in GIFs!

Can you believe that when we come back here next week, it’s going to be December 9th? You should believe it, it makes sense (today is December 6th), but MAN OH MAN! How many shopping days do we even have left?! Not very many at all! Luckily I don’t need them, though, because I’ve already gotten you guys all of these great GIFs! AahahahahhahAHHHHHHHH. I’m sorry! Let’s look at them, though!

The Kardashian Christmas card arrived!

David Beckham thought about who might play him in a movie!

You could be the love of George Clooney’s life!

Everyone is naming their baby Skyler now!

We thought about who might play the cats in the movie version of Cats!

We all watched Holiday in Handcuffs together, as a family!

And, finally, we all watched comedy on TV.

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