What Movies Are You Going To Watch On Netflix During The Holiday?

What Movies Are You Going To Watch On Netflix During The Holiday?

Simmmply havvving some wonderful hol-i-days! Simmmply haaAaaving some wonderful hol-i-days, both Thanksgiving and Hannukah! (Paul McCartney!) One of my favorite things to do during Thanksgiving is plan that I’m going to get a bunch of work done while I’m at home — the kind of work that I usually put off because I’m too busy with day-to-day work — and then instead just spend all of my free time padding around the house and sometimes watching Netflix. Very satisfying! Luckily there are a lot of good things on Netflix right now, so we can at least feel good that we’re watching something good, rather than that we’re wasting our life watching straight-up garbage. (Though, we also might want to watch some straight-up garbage?) (That stuff is fuuun.) I’m going to share some of my suggestions after the jump, and then please share your suggestions, if you have some! (They do not have to be Netflix Instant specific. They don’t even have to be home-viewing specific. They don’t even have to be MOVIE specific. The blog us your recommendation oyster!)

Obviously that is just a small selection, so: what do you recommend? TELL MEEEEEE!

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