The Petting Zoo: The Week’s Top 10 Animal Videos

The Petting Zoo: The Week’s Top 10 Animal Videos

The biggest animal-related news this week has got to be that of the Obama’s new Portuguese water dog named Whatdronesnooneislisteningtoyourconversations. It’s a long, super strange name, but at least it’s a very good joke that I just made, and now you’re rolling on the floor laughing! LOL. CALL ME, LENO! The dog’s real name is “Sunny.” There isn’t much else to say about it, unfortunately. Here is a picture. It looks like Bo, except a little different! Now what do we talk about? Uggghhhh. The picture of the shark that swallowed the other shark? No thank you. I actually had a dream last night that I witnessed a shark eat a fish only a few feet away from where I was swimming. It was a nightmare. Should we just talk about our dreams? WHEN CAN WE GET TO THE VIDEOS? NOW? LET’S GOOOOOOO!

10. Dog Makin’ Waves

9. Cat VS. A Fighting Robot

8. Parrot Goes Crazy About His Ball

7. Puppy Vs. Doorstop

6. Puppy Vs. Finger

5. Peek-A-Boo Cat

4. Duck Getting Vacuumed

3. Uh…”Milk Pants”

2. Rolling Kitten

1. Bloodhound Puppies Want Dinner

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