The Porno Switcheroo Archives: Greek Evening News Porno Switcheroo With Video Evidence

The Porno Switcheroo Archives: Greek Evening News Porno Switcheroo With Video Evidence

The thing that a lot of people don’t realize about Porno Switcheroos is that they are a universal facet of the human experience. These accidental displays of pornography when you meant to show the slides at the big presentation, or when you thought you were putting on a Thomas the Tank Engine video for your cousins, don’t just happen in America, but the world over, and probably throughout all time. I’m sure there was some Crood in a cave who was about to excitedly show off his new cave painting featuring a speared water buffalo only to realize he was showing off his other new cave painting of a man and a woman doing that night thing that makes the little man and woman come out later. And thus the porno switcheroo was born. And Videogum will continue its effort to register and catalog each instance in order to provide science with a reliable and exhaustive archive. If we can build underground seed banks to prepare for the post-Apocalypse, then we can also build HERSTORY.

Of course, for as common as the experience of a porno switcheroo is among disparate human cultures, one thing that is less common is capturing actual porno switcheroos on video as they happen. Today, however, we have an actual Greek newscast in which a screen in the background that should not have been playing porno is in fact playing porno. Classic! It’s not quite as scandalous and exciting as when AMERICAN children are EXPOSED, but it still counts. A porno switcheroo in action after the jump:

In case you missed it, because it is actually kind of hard to see, here’s what to look for:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, is it the best switcheroo of all time? No, and no one ever claimed that it was. Are you going to be happy that we have kept a record of it when the nuclear bombs start raining down like brimstone? MAYBE AND MAYBE NOT, BUT LET’S NOT WAIT UNTIL THAT MOMENT TO DECIDE! See also: it’s for science or something? Research? (Via Gawker. Thanks for the tip, Gideon.)

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