Let’s Talk About Mad Men And Game Of Thrones, Though

Let’s Talk About Mad Men And Game Of Thrones, Though

This year, I have been watching Game of Thrones and Mad Men with friends, and it has been great, I highly recommend trying this method of watching television. If you’re really smart, you will even make some dinner beforehand (last night we ate pork chops with grilled peaches) or ordering some food is absolutely an option. But all in all it is very enjoyable. I bring this up mainly to point out that at the end of every single episode of Game of Thrones this season, when the screen has gone black for the credits, there is a tiny moment of silence, and then someone says “Guh, this show is so good!” We all know that already, but it seems to bear repeating each week. Get it? BEAR repeating? I said the show was good, not my “jokes.” Last night, again. So good. This season: killing it. Although, I’m having a genuinely hard time watching the Theon torture scenes. Eek! That is some rough stuff, and I also do not think they did a good job on the show of explaining where he is and how he got there. Wha happen?! (Hahahah. I want there to be a scene in a future episode of Game of Thrones where it’s just a close up of Theon missing all of his teeth and most fingers and his dick or whatever, and he just goes, “Wha happen?!”) Even the books kind of drop the ball on Theon I feel like in terms of gently bringing us from point a to point b because there are so many points going on all at the same time. But GREAT POINTS, you know? VERY GOOD POINTS THIS SEASON. And speaking of great points this season: MAD MEN, TOO, THOUGH! Last week’s episode was downright EXCITING. And OK, this week’s episode was a super-tense nightmare, and at the end of the episode everyone might have made some really quick goodbyes and gotten the hell out of there because it was too much, but overall I think we can agree that this is a very good season, especially after last season which I did not even like to be completely honest and I am so sorry knowing how hard that must be for some of you to hear. But this season? With the cars and the receding hairlines and the doctor’s wives and the historical intervention and the Joan and the Stan and the Peggy and the Ginsberg and the Tom and the stuff? Uh yes, please. Thank you. Right? I mean am I right or am I right?

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