This Week In Comedy Open Thread

This Week In Comedy Open Thread

Last night, Comedy Central aired the season finale of Nathan For You. It was just about three weeks ago when the whole world realized that Nathan For You was great, and now our brief romance is over. Will we get a second season? Is there a God in Heaven above?!? We’ll just have to wait and see. The finale, which found Nathan helping a taxi company with a system to prevent unwanted conversation and a private investigator with no Yelp reviews, was great. UH-NODUH. Nathan’s frustration with the Quiznos rep during the Quiznos date segment was good too (“Tell him to say ‘Mmm, toasty.'”), though it fell short of the first episode’s similar “confidence”-based job interview segment. The final few moments where Nathan reflected on no one wanting to hang out with him were perfect. THIS WAS A GOOD SHOW! You should marathon it this weekend if you missed out. Bob’s Burgers returned after missing a week with “Family Fracas.” It was good and enjoyable, as Bob’s Burgers always is, but watching the Belchers fail over and over got a bit less fun each time. So it wasn’t my favorite. Community, ahhhhh. Man, I just care about the Chang character so little. It’s difficult that he’s still such a big part of the series. Aside from that, the characters — Britta especially — seem to be playing caricatures of themselves, and they were kind of already caricatures of other sitcom characters? The mood has gotten very strange. The Garry plot on Parks and Recreation was also is bit strange — it’s always uncomfortable when the team actually seems to treat him badly. Why would they do that? Why would Ron bring him in just to hurt him further and save Tom? Because Tom was picked on as a kid? Because he assumes Garry can handle it better, which I guess is correct, but a pretty big assumption to make! Also: Leslie seems like a nightmare, kind of! I mean with her Ben/Ann relationship, but also, how could she be so caring to every single person on Earth and be such an unfeeling brat when it comes to Garry? GARRRYYYYYYYY! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?! But what did you think?

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