The World Is Made Up Of A Billion Ladies Football League Locker Room Temper Tantrums

The World Is Made Up Of A Billion Ladies Football League Locker Room Temper Tantrums

Sometimes you will go to someone’s home, or visit an office, or discover a new courtyard you didn’t know about, and for a brief moment you will be reminded of the immensity of the world. Like, think for a second on all of the people you know, and think of all of the places in their life that you know about but haven’t visited. I’m sure you have very close friends who haven’t invited you to their apartment for whatever reason, or whose office you’ve heard stories about but never seen. AND THAT’S JUST THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW. There are so many people out there, and they all have to have some little corner to crawl into at night, and some other corner to spend the day. So many little corners! One of those corners is the inside of a ladies’ football league locker room where the coach is so upset that he swears at all of the football players. Did you even know about this league? Have you ever been inside this locker room? You probably didn’t even realize there was anything to get so upset about in the first place. And yet he is so mad. That’s how the world works, though. A billion different ladies football league locker rooms filled with unexpected temper tantrums. Embrace it.

Headphones UP:

Haha. Oh man. Hey man. Chill out! It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you chill out for real, you need to chill out.

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