Monsters’ Ball: The Week’s Best Comments

Monsters’ Ball: The Week’s Best Comments

The latest update we have received on the upvoting/downvoting plug-in is that it should be replaced sometime in the next couple of weeks. Please hang in there, guys. It’s obviously very tough for all of us. Does anyone in the whole world have more difficult lives than we do? Probably not. I bet you could search the whole world over, explaining to every person you met the situation we have all been in these past few weeks with our lack of upvoting/downvoting capabilities, and all you’d get were sad looks of pity and buckets of tears. HOW DO YOU EVEN STAND IT? the mothers of Darfur would wail. YOU ARE THE TRUEST PICTURE OF BRAVERY THAT WE HAVE EVER SEEN say the limbless soldiers in their hospital beds. PLEASE CONTINUE TO GIVE US ALL HOPE screams the world. So we must put on a brave face: if not for ourselves, then at least for THEM. When there was only one set of footprints in the sand, it was because Jebus Chrimbus was busy trying to fix the upvote/downvote plug-in. Chin up, though, champs! It’s Friday after all, the most important day of the year. We’ve got Mad Men premiering this Sunday, more Game of Thrones, Wesley’s home. It’s not so bad. Is it? Do you want to fight?

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