This Week In Movie Trailers, You Guys

This Week In Movie Trailers, You Guys

This week we have the red band trailer for Only God Forgives, which is the new movie starring Ryan Gosling and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, who also directed Drive. There are some other trailers, too, but COME ON. How greedy are you? How many more trailers do you need besides the red band trailer for Only God Forgives, the new new movie starring Ryan Gosling and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn? DO YOU WANT TO FIGHT OR NOT?

Only God Forgives

Yes, please.

Grown Ups 2

No, thank you.

A Single Shot

I will watch anything with Sam Rockwell in it. How come he isn’t more famous? I mean, I know that he works constantly and he’s pretty famous but he should actually be MORE famous, right? Because of how he is the best?


The original screen adaptation of Carrie came at a weird point in my life where I was too young to actually watch it, but definitely old enough to be aware of it, and to find the whole thing terrifying, without ever actually knowing what it was about at all. Later, in Junior High, when I went through my Stephen King phase and read all of his books, I still never touched Carrie for some reason. Tommyknockers? You betcha. Needful Things? Of course. (See also: It, The Shining, The Stand (Unabridged), The Bachmann Books, Four Seasons, and, like, 10 others I can’t think of right now.) Not Carrie though. So that’s a fun story about Carrie.

Greetings From Tim Buckley

More like Greetings From Snore City AM I RIGHT?!

2 Guns

This movie looks very fun to me. I love to have fun! Do you guys like fun? Leave your thoughts on having fun in the comments!

Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

If anyone ever tried to talk to me about Percy Jackson as if it was a real thing that someone knew and/or cared about I would laugh right in their face because give me a break.

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