This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

I’m so glad that we all got to see Spring Breakers and talk about it with each other this week, guys. I don’t think I ever really want to talk about it again, and writing about it was kind of exhausting, but I’m glad to have had the experience. Thanks for being here with me. Sprang Break Foreva. GIFs foreva. Let’s get on to some GIIIFFFS!

We saw Spring Breakers together!

Gabe was grumpy about Grumpy Cat!

Jared Leto told a disgusting fanmail story!

A Breaking Bad script was stolen!!!

Emma Watson won the Trail Blazer award for some reason!

Jon Hamm wants you to stop talking about his penis!

Channing Tatum wants to have sex with George Clooney!

And, finally, we watched comedy on TV!

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