Here Are Some Afternoon Links!

Here Are Some Afternoon Links!

  • “Ford Apologizes For Ads Showing Gagged Women in Car Trunk.” You mean Paris Hilton driving around a bunch of gagged Kardashians is not an ok car ad?! -HyperVocal
  • The season finale of Burning Love aired last Friday. Have you watched it yet? (And watch the season 3 trailer!) -BurningLove
  • Mad Men’s fifth season is available now on Netflix, just in time for you to catch up before the April 7th premiere of season 6. Or just in time for you to say, “Uggghh, is there anything on Netflix Instant I haven’t already seen?!” -Netflix
  • Clarissa Explains It All creator Mitchell Kriegman is currently writing a novel to catch everyone up on Clarissa’s whereabouts and whatabouts called Things I Can’t Explain. You gotta strike while the BuzzFeed iron is hot! -EW
  • This Is 4. -McSweeney’s
  • Did many of you watch the marathons of old Real World seasons this weekend on MTV? I did not, only because I was unable to, but I did recently watch Real World: Vegas on Amazon Instant recently and it HOLDS UP. Here is an interview with Melissa Beck from Real World: New Orleans. -RemoteControl
  • Here is a supercut of Al Pacino yelling! -FilmDrunk

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