This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

This was a short week because we had a beautiful day off on Monday for Presidents’ Day (remember?) (thank you, Presidents!), but we still have A LOT of things to remember with a bunch of little animated GIFs! Christoph Waltz! Parks and Recreation! Anne Hathaway! Kristen Stewart! GHOSTS! Let’s stop wasting our lives away here before the jump, and start YOLOing after it!

Christoph Waltz hosted Saturday Night Live!

We talked about SyFy’s Stranded and how great it looks!

Kristen Stewart is Hollywood’s “least sexy” actress, apparently!

We learned Aaron Sorkin’s favorite movie quote!

Anne Hathaway wore a lingerie hat!

Shia LaBeouf is a total fucking weirdo!

And, finally, we all watched comedy on TV!

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