This Week In GIFs!

This Week In GIFs!

Hey, what a week! I don’t want to jinx it, but it’s Friday and Videogum hasn’t gone down yet! There hasn’t been a Friday like this since 2012! In order to celebrate our full week of the Golden Globes, cute babies, Spring Breakers, Kroll Show, and lots of other comedy on TV, let’s take a look at some moving GIFs and meditate on the times that have passed us by, and the times we will have that will be almost exactly like those times in our future. GIFS! GIFS! GIFS! GIFS GIFS GIFS!

The Golden Globes were on and were a real mixed bag!

We learned that Jessica Simpson is getting her own sitcom!

We watched Rino eat various dishes!

We all watched Kroll Show!

Drew Barrymore has the wine!

Gabe and I chatted about the Spring Breakers trailer!

And, finally, we all watched some comedic TV!

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