

One of the most exciting and intriguing things going into Primavera was Underworld. Like Sleater-Kinney on Friday night, this is another one of those artists I’ve always meant to spend more time with and never have. Turns out their 1:30AM set on one of the festivals main stage was one of the more overwhelming live experiences I’ve had in recent memory. It was crowded, but not too much that you couldn’t make your way pretty far up if you wanted to. At this point, I was hanging out with some of the dudes from Strand Of Oaks, and we wound up close enough where you sort of forgot you were in a festival crowd at all; every beat and synth wash and broody melody seemed to totally fill every bit of the air around you. It felt like a small, internalized, intense club show rather than standing in a massive crowd of people. They played 1994’s dubnobasswwithmyheadman in its entirety, stopping now and then to thank the crowd and make sardonic comments, and as the set wound to a close singer Karl Hyde said something about needing to play a particular song if they really wanted to thank us. It was, of course, “Born Slippy .NUXX,” which I actually didn’t really expect to hear. But that’s when the set peeled back open, and you realized there were thousands of people dancing to a legendary ’90s classic at 3 in the morning. I’ve witnessed my share of amazing, communal festival experiences in the past, but seeing “Born Slippy .NUXX” in this context has to be one of the best.