Atlanta Police Apologize For Dumb Beyoncé Pregnancy Tweet

Brooks Kraft/Getty Images

Atlanta Police Apologize For Dumb Beyoncé Pregnancy Tweet

Brooks Kraft/Getty Images

On Wednesday, Beyoncé declared that she was pregnant with twins and the whole world was shook and all the brands tried to capitalize on the announcement by pushing out commentary and jokes of their own. One such joke came from the Atlanta Police Department, which I guess is a brand now. On their Twitter, they posted: “Beyoncé may have everyone wanting to celebrate her pregnancy, but remember no celebratory gunfire! Stay safe, Atlanta!” Not even funny! They quickly backtracked and retracted the tweet after coming under fire (see — that was kind of funny!) from people who found it insensitive, and issued a follow-up:

Atlanta Police Department spokesman Sgt. Warren Pickard said the following to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “We thought it was in our best interest to take it down, because it doesn’t focus on what we do everyday as a public safety department. We wanted to somehow add comedic relief to the things going on around the world, and we missed the mark.”

And we continue spiraling further into the void…

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