Here Are Some Afternoon Links!

Here Are Some Afternoon Links!

  • These pictures of Walt Jr. for Dark Beauty Magazine are weird! -Uproxx
  • Michael Ian Black surprise-interviewed Marc Maron for Gothamist. It’s good, if you like those guys! Or if you just like one of those guys! -Gothamist
  • A&E’s Bates Motel has been renewed for a second season. Have any of you guys watched that show? Is it good? It looks like it could be good! -EW
  • This is the kind of thing that normally would be upsetting, it includes a lot of upsetting words, but in this case it is good! Cartoon Network has posted “Earl of Lemongrab Feat. Will Sasso,” which is kind of a mashup of Will Sasso’s lemon Vines and Lemongrab from Adventure Time? I KNOW, BUT JUST LOOK. -LaughingSquid
  • The Week put together a list of “21 creative TV edits of naughty movie lines” and if you’re going to search and see if it includes any from Clueless you will be disappointed! But still! -TheWeek
  • Heaven got a bit more Annette Funicello today, too. -Dlisted

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