
You're so right haha, the only times I can remember them being affectionate is when no one else is around. Most of the time she's just acting bitchy towards him. Ahh, the signs of young love!
Haha yea she's always just laying around, why isn't she contributing to the search?! Ugh and I hope her and Daryl don't hook up, in the preview for next week, she was saying something like "I can't lose you too"
What ever happened to the whole "Gunshots attract zombies" thing? Aren't they attracting walkers with their little Gun Club?! And I hope that when the inevitable happens and the zombie party busts down the barn door, some zombie chickens come flying out with the walkers....
Haha yea that's exactly when I noticed that's all I'm gonna notice about him
Ohhh, and why does finding Sophia's doll prove that she's alive? It seems more plausible that she'd be dead...why would she leave her doll behind? I'm sure she is alive (she better be after all these episodes), but still, the doll doesn't mean anything
I feel the same way about True Blood! The show has gotten so ridiculous, the books are so much better
Haha! "Fucking Andrea!" was the same thing my boyfriend yelled when she shot Daryl. And I noticed in this episode that Dale has really gross nostrils...
Hahaha!!! Nah, I submitted the first one and it didn't show up, so I submitted a second time and I guess they both showed up. Very funny though :)
The thing that really annoys me is how they can't just wait 6 MONTHS to be together?! Within the first month or two of dating my boyfriend, he went away for 4 months to ski in Utah...I live in New Jersey. I wasn't even in love with him yet, but we stayed together and just talked over the phone and it was fine...and now we've been dating for 3 years. If you're in love with someone "like crazy", 6 months is a piece of cake!!
Holy crap, this is awesome, thanks for sharing!!! Whenever I wear a scarf I can't get it to look right, so I'll def be following these instructions! I just don't understand why there's 2 "infinity" ones though is "Infinity", and one is "DIY Infinity"...pretty sure they're the same things
Holy crap, this is awesome, thanks for sharing!!! Whenever I wear a scarf I can't get it to look right, so I'll def be following these instructions! I just don't understand why there's 2 "infinity" ones though is "Infinity", and one is "DIY Infinity"...pretty sure they're the same things
Haha omg I was just looking through my comments and realized I wrote "Darl" was a typo, but it does seem more fitting haha!!!!
Oh, and I love how both times Carl woke up (pre-seizure, post-surgery), he says "Mom, there was a deer!", and "Is Sophia ok?". I'm pretty sure I'd be saying "What the fuck?! Did I get shot? Am I dead? Where are we?!?!?!"
Wow, Shane really likes to waste water, huh? First the jug of water, and then the running shower while he's shaving his head!! Tisk tisk, Shane!
Yea, cus all I thought was, "No way did she wait this long to take the pregnancy test?!" If I had a possible pregnancy on my mind, I'd pee on that thing ASAP!
Very true. If that's the case then, the effects were disgusting/awesome, so I guess I can't really complain.
Even worse than Lori being pregnant it...who's the daddy?!! It doesn't seem like that much time passed between her having sex with Shane and then with Grimes. And did she REALLY write down "First Response" or something on that paper?! No time to be picky Lori! "Pregnancy test, because shit, I may be pregnant" would've been just fine. And he didn't know what it was, so what if they didn't have that brand haha! Pretty lucky for that place to have one First Response left! And I love how she said "look in the Feminine Hygiene section"...and sure enough, there was that exact section there. And when she was headed to the woods with the knife, I thought she was going to give herself an abortion!! Well, I guess she'll just hafta hope that vets know how to abort babies.
All valid points that I also wondered about...this is also something I wondered: e.) Why risk getting the zombie out when the water is probably already contaminated?! He had blood on him already, I'm assuming the water was already contaminated. And if they did happen to successfully get the zombie out, how were they going to decontaminate the water? Were they going to break out their water-testing kit? How do you even test for zombie contamination anyway?
Yea I watched the beginning but was real tired and went to bed at the first commercial break. I don't know how seriously I'm gonna be able to take that main character though (the one who shot the guy in the confessional)...he was Britney Spears' love interest in "Crossroads" haha!!
Am I a horrible person for laughing during the scene where Darl had the seizure? I thought it was kind of sad because he's just a kid, but it just looked so funny
Yea, there was no need for that to be shown in the's not like I was thinking "Oh I guess this is before the whole zombie thing happened". You could tell it was at the farmhouse, and the clothes he was going to put on looked dirty and there was a gun...foreshadowing that event just kind of ruined it toward the end because then you knew something bad happened and he was upset over something.
And why didn't they bring any of those sticks with them into the trailer?! I thought that was so ridiculous that they just planned book it out of there once they got their supplies. "Should we bring more sticks to distract zombies later on? Nah, they'll probably be investigating the other ones for hours, we'll be good."
Yea, she is reaaaaallly skinny, you could see her spine!!
Also, if she's still alive, how the hell did she manage to get so lost?! I can't say I'd be too great at finding my way back through the woods, but I don't understand how they haven't run into her yet, let alone find any trace of her.
Haha I thought the same thing!!! If he said "I'm a vet" just out of the blue, I can understand if she thought he meant veteran, but when he's discussing surgery, it's pretty obvious he means veterinarian. It reminded me of Ali G's interview with the veterinarian/veteran..."Why was there so many sick animals in Vietnam?" Haha if you haven't seen it, here's the link, classic segment!
Haha yea, she seemed to somewhat like her dad, so that was odd. And you'd think her mom would explain to her that you don't discuss shifter and werewolf stuff with strangers who aren't aware that those things exist. And I like how Arlene just shrugged it off haha!
It's funny, because that show had an episode about vampires, and it terrified me. I was so afraid of vampires that I couldn't even say the word "vampire" for years.
I'm pretty sure when E and Drama showed up at Sloane's house, one of the first things they said was "Hey Sloane, come to Vince's wedding in Paris!" Then they all converse for a few minutes, and she asks, "So where's the wedding?" They tell her Paris, and she says "Paris?!?!?!" Haha my boyfriend and I both said, "Didn't they just tell her that?" Anyone else notice this?
It just looks like something they dug out of the "Are You Afraid of the Dark" costume archives.
No one in the kitchen shootout was immortal, so no
Yea, either they'll just heal her, or they'll make her into a vampire. But I hope not! One less character storyline we hafta watch
Oh and how gross was it that Jason was eating the popsicle that he had on his bruise?! And did anyone notice how he was chewing on the popsicle stick after he and Jessica had sex?!?! What??? Sooooo, he just put it aside while they were banging, then finished it? Or maybe he told her to wait for a minute while he finished the popsicle, then they started banging?
Actually, I'm pretty sure vampires can burn in fire. Remember in the first season, those 3 bad vampires got burned in their house? So that actually stuck with their "vampire rules" haha. So I love how Tara and Sookie knew immediately, "Oh, Marnie must have posessed Lafayette, killed Jesus, and now she's at Bill's house". You know, just something you immediately know once you stumble upon a dead body. Sure, Tara knew there'd been some supernatural shit going on, but to pinpoint it to that exact scenario was ridiculous. And I really can't stand Sookie anymore, in the book they make it believable as to why everyone loves her, because Charlaine Harris takes the time to develop her relationships. She was with Eric for like 2 episodes this season, and we're supposed to believe they're in love, and feel bad for her because she's in a love triangle? That whole scene where she left Bill and Eric was laughable.
In the books they mention how werewolves "abjure" another were if they wish to never see them again/associate with them, it's something really serious, which is why Debbie was so hysterical when he did it. I wonder if they'll explain it on the show haha because it did seem a bit of an overreaction if you haven't read the books and just thouhgt he's breaking up with her
Yea I was wondering the same the books, Jason actually DOES turn into a werepanther, but kind of a half retarded one haha. And Crystal (who isn't crazy like on the show) is pregnant with his baby, and someone who's against supernatural stuff crucifies her and cuts the baby out = \
Jesus totally looked like something out of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" with that Devil face....
"Omg it's that guy from the movie?! Let me step into traffic to get a closer look!"
Ok, a few things: 1. Sam's girlfriend's daughter is SO FUCKING ANNOYING. "This is my cat Barbie she doesn't like you heehee". Omg shut up kid, you're not being cute. 2. What the hell is up with the false eyelashes on all the girls? I know most people won't notice this, but I do and it annoys the hell out of me. This is something I started noticing last season, Sookie got back from being in the hospital or something...she was supposed to look all bruised and tired, but her eyelashes were ridiculously huge. This season I've noticed Tara and Jessica also with can see from the side, their lashes go out really far and curl up. I understand the makeup department wants to make everyone look pretty, but this is supposed to be a small Southern town...who wears false lashes?! And when Tommy turned into Maxine, she had them on too! Yea, I'm sure Tommy made sure to put on fake lashes before he headed out. 3. Eric & Sookie - are we supposed to care about this relationship? It's sooo vomit inducing, and not because of the whole drinking eachother's blood thing. Why are they so muchy and lovey-dovey? It's just annoying. 4. Ooooh this is an even better cliffhanger than last week! I'm so worried Sookie won't make it!!! Come on now, really?! Even if she did die, would anyone care? She's been annoying me lately, I sure wouldn't give a crap.
Yea it was so stupid. Especially in comparison to the books...Sookie would never agree to sucking down tons of his blood that quick. It made her seem really weak and naive, which Sookie definitely is not.