
Oh man yeah. And Lydia died in THE WORST WAY. Amazing.
I remember, like, four years ago that someone mentioned this show to me. It was in the context of, "They used your high school to film in the pilot ISN'T THAT NEAT?!" (It was neat.) So I decided to give it a try. And that show had me at the bathtub scene. I loved this show. I loved that it showcased Albuquerque, even in the not best of ways. Bryan Cranston is a god. Oh yeah, and the one time I saw Aaron Paul at a bar he seemed pretty nice. (And so so tiny.) It was a good run. I'll miss you BB. I'll also miss the recaps just as much as I've missed the LOST ones over the years. At least this ending was fucking satisfying, though.
"That was for Andrea." Doesn't have the same ring to it as Slim Charles' line, BUT I WILL TAKE IT.
Nothing gave me more joy than when I screamed at the TV last night, "JESSE'S GOING TO PRINCESS LEIA HIM!" And then he did. And it was glorious. Fuck you, Todd. Go Jesse. I hope you enjoy your life of severe emotional problems while managing your woodworking store in Old Town.
Also, it should be noted... because one Monster was in Breaking Bad, we ALL WERE IN BREAKING IN BAD. That's just how that WORKS.
Question... when Walt ordered his drink at the bar, did he order Hank's drink? Just curious, I couldn't remember what Hank tended to drink or in what style.
Eh, I have to agree with stu up there, that it would be weird to focus on G&E suddenly.
Interesting. Agh, I love how this show, literally, makes almost anything possible. Like... this could go a dozen different, amazing ways. Bless it.
I just really need that fucker to die. Horribly. I need the cathartic, morbid JOY of Todd's death in my life.
Yeah, fair. That almost seems too predictable at this point. Although when this show is predictable it loves to slap you in the face with it.
What if this is the show where the bad guy wins? What if they last dude standing is Todd? WHAT IF.
How is he going to even get anywhere near Elliott or Gretchen though? Like, I just don't foresee that as being his goal, because he can't show his face anywhere, let alone drive to Santa Fe to ricin those guys. I dunno, seems possible, but like a long shot. I thought it might be for Lydia, at one point, but then I don't know why he would give a shit about killing her. So.
I wondered to myself how long it took him to get that down. It was impressive!
I also want to comment on Todd's face when Jesse talks about Drew. It was PERFECTION.
FINE. It was the kids who did the graffiti. FIIIIIIIIIIIIINE! Still, my point stands, fuck the Neo Nazis. OK guys, here we go. HERE WE GO. Walt’s going back to kill the Neo Nazis. He’s gonna fuck their shit up. And Jesse better kill Todd in some kind of “The Wire: Cheese being killed Slim Charles” kind of shit. I need some “That was for Joe.” business. I NEED THAT. Heisenberg is going to fuck their shit up. He’s gonna go Unforgiven on their ass. Then he’s going to turn himself in, confess to all of it and implicate those Nazi fuck heads AND the Gray Matter dudes (MAYBE?!) so that he can free up Skylar and his kids completely... and he’s going to take the risin before doing it, so he won’t even see a trial. Calling it. I might be COMPLETELY wrong, because this show zigs whenever I think it’s going to zag, but I think I like this theory.
Look at yooooooouuuuuuuu and the puns!
"Nobody puts Kelly in a corner." - VG Monsters
Right. But you're lawblog. Everybody likes you. ;)
So... if I had captioned Holly White's sad face, instead of used a GIF, I'd be in the ball? But because I used a gif, I'm not? I dunno, man. I dunno. :-p And most downvoted! WORKING ON THAT EGOT Y'ALL!
I think I'm going to get lowest rated comment for calling Neo Nazis stupid assholes in the Breaking Bad thread? I mean, I dunno man. The world is dark and full of terrors.
Are we talking cartoon Batwoman? Because totes, awesome. I was sadly referencing this: (Although, technically she's Batgirl, right? Whatever.)
I mean, Blackwidow, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Trinity.... you know what? Hollywood sucks.
Does Salinger threaten to kill someones infant daughter though?
Amber was THE BOMB. That girl can fucking move!
Well, I think he has a point, in that, there is a LOT of sympathy for Jesse. More so than Walt, for sure. Like, people defend him and see him as being a total victim. I think that was more of the point.