
*I should READ the entire post before I comment. Goddamn, I just need to leave now.
Just want to give a nerdy high-five to everyone in this thread. That is all.
Related: I've gained 15 pounds eating cookies out of my TARDIS cookie jar
I certainly don't think Community being sidelined is important in the grand scheme of life but I don't see anything wrong with being a little bummed out by it, no? If we have to live in this nightmare world we might as well get to watch some enjoyable shows!
I signed in JUST to tell you how much I love this comment.
Anybody else bummed out Steven Moffat lost the Miniseries Writing award for Sherlock? Anyone? Just me? Okay.
Bored to Death's is fun! Also: nobody's mentioned Arrested Development? That's a pretty good one, too.
Between this and his Tanqueray ads, he's got the drink market covered.
If they don't throw some Emmy nominations at Timothy Olyphant, Margo Martindale & Jeremy Davies....... well, nothing will happen, but I will be very disappointed! ...because I've NEVER been disappointed with the Emmys before.
I know this is the Thursday Night TV open thread and not the Wednesday Night TV Open Thread but can I give a shout out to the excellent Justified season finale? DAMN.
Well I must admit I hope he makes it at least to the debates... I mean, he'll be referencing Bret Michaels from a podium made of solid gold. Top THAT, Obama.
While we're on the subject of fantastic British television, may I suggest Sherlock?
I went and I had a good time (despite rallies and large crowds not being kind to short people). I can understand people's... confusion? apprehension? about this whole thing, and there were some weird moments (Kid Rock? really?) but it was fun and felt kind of cathartic. We just want everyone to stop yelling at each other!
Some people ask why... Chris asks why not
Clearly this commercial is just a message to this guy's ex-wife.
Can I still come even though I haven't commented in like, 6 months?
Man, remember when Ricky Gervais showed up to the Emmys in his underwear? That was awful. So glad he got it together this year.
First guest next season: Jay Leno
Aw Lee Pace, you are better than this! Then again, I guess Pushing Daisies being cancelled isn't putting the food on the table..
I haven't really been commenting all that much over the past few months (college obligations.. boo!) so I kind of missed all the excitement, but I just wanted to say that I think videogum is pretty great and everyone here is pretty great and I'm proud to be a member (a rarely participating member, but nonetheless..) of this community! So let's just keep being great!
I thought the mom was Amy Poehler for the majority of that video
About halfway through the movie I was feeling kinda blah, but then the ending came and sold me. Lots of Love!
I'm saying there's not a lot of substance to it, which whatever, not all TV shows need to be, but I feel like they think they do, like they're bringing something new to the high school table, when they're really not...
I was wondering what the videogum position on Glee was.. I have to say, I was excited about this in the beginning (the BUZZ worked!) but with each episode I steadily get more and more annoyed. Take away Jane Lynch and the musical numbers (that's right, I enjoy them) and all you have left is a cliched and unfunny show about high school. But it does have Jane Lynch and musical numbers, so I'm still watching, so I guess you win, Glee.
Betty brought the bitch this episode. It was amazing.
That Madonna sketch was paaaaaaainful. Even for SNL.
My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.
Barbie + "intellectual property" = huh?
These recaps are great. Almost makes me want to watch this show. Almost.
Maybe it's because it's still kind of early but I sort of laughed at 'keep your boob in your pants'. (I'm sorry.)
I've missed you, Karl Pilkington!
Ricky Gervais > everyone (for the most part)
I loved the Justin Timberlake one just for Tina. Her face was expressing what we all were thinking.
Aw come on, don't hate on Kristin Chenoweth! She was fantastic in Pushing Daisies, and besides, you don't have to worry about her winning ever again (for that show)! Also, I'm all for Ricky Gervais hosting everything from now on (although this was also quite clear last year, too) because he is always my favorite part of this show. Props to NPH, though, too.