
I feel bad for/actually like Mel Gibson. I think his anger problems are the result of a rough childhood or something(?) and he’s just no good at handling them, like a lot of people. Plus, he makes some really good songs. No bullshit.
Being white is hard! #NotIntendedtobeaFactualStatement
Next we should help the Nigerian Prince who emailed me about his money troubles
"I'm sorry, but I'm a little hoarse" - Some pony, somewhere.
It's not helmet to helmet contact if they're not wearing helmets!
I'm not russian to join this fight any time soon
There's also this
How else do you get every last bit of delicious peanut butter?
:: in my deepest voice :: yeah, you're right... urghhh, nerds!!
"those are balls! haahaha! I'm so funny" - Seth Mcfarlane
So I just found out the grumpy old couple next door (who moan about the noise all the time) are the parents of the cute girl I always see at the library. D'oh!
Don't give Lawblog any more ideas, I've heard that song enough!
This is just very well done
The force of your awesomeness knocked me off my horse (I now it is tenuous, but I wanted to use the gif)
Lawblog 'aint Jesus. I've met Jesus and he 'aint Jesus. LAWBLOG: better than Jesus
5 teenagers went in.. 4 came out? Have you notified the police?
Jam, Bam, thank you Mans!
Body of Pies
Pi-rates of of the Caribbean
Bridge Over the River Pi #PiMovies
It is the Breakfast of Champions! Woah, sure getting literary today
You should give him another (chums of) chance! So much that is right is contained within his pages
Oh god.. I can smell it.. is it on me?!? IS IT ON ME!?
are we not all searching for that VG that may or may not exist?
[url=]tiger vid[/url]
"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, Commander of the armies of the North, General of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or....... LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROOYYYYYYYY!!!"
I can’t really be the only one surprised that he was 240 when he died, can I?
N O'torious J.I.G.
Well that grocery store lost a lot of business
Charlie Sheen was so last week... quit with all the #winning jokes!
In seriousness, I sure hope this wasn't a drill for what to do if a real tiger escapes. I'm not sure that netting is going to do it guys!
Lock up your daughters, Tiger's on the loose!
Yeah, but that is still an insult to the good, honest Americans who enjoy gargling on testicles