
Less Benedict Cumberbatch, more Martin Freeman.
...but the note was asking to...
No more apples in the vending machine.
Make a weird twitter account, mess with her for years, then make a mysterious countdown to your proposal.
You laugh, but I was an unrepentant homophobe until I saw I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry.
Michael Bay is seen here accepting the Douchebag of the Year Award.
Right. Any ol machete will do.
Love how half the audience looks excited and the other half can't wait to get out of there. It's like a One Direction concert....or so I am told.
Exhibit 1
If we're going to call these The Geekies,I propose we call those The Douchies.
See, I thought it was the opposite. You hear non-geeky people say they're nerds all the time but you never hear non-nerdy people say they are geeks.
According to The Simpsons, season 17 episode 6, a nerd is a smart geek. But I reconned the series to end at season 12, so I'm not sure.
My day's fine. I had some apple bread with Nutella and milk. Now I'm watching Awkward on Amazon Prime. Good show.
Between this and Spuds McKenzie, I'm pretty sure bull terriers are the clowns of the dog world.
Oh boy. Sometimes when I talk music, I mention I like country. Almost immediately, I self-consciously defend that statement with "old country." I don't know when I started doing that, but I fear this is the exact moment when I have to clarify that I like "old rock n roll."
I love Sal Goodman. Steve Oedekerk is a genius.
It's okay, Beyonce, I think you're cute too.
Does anyone know where I can get that picture of Huell and Bill Burr poster-sized to hang over my bed?
I think he might have had a nervous breakdown? Like he crashed his car and he was just lying there. I think he's free to go but probably willing to cooperate at this point.
Pretty sure this series has been a long setup for Marie to steal the most precious game; human.
One of my favorite Commentary tracks is from Burn After Reading. According to the commentator Brad told Joel Coen, ''I don't know how to play this, I mean, he's such an idiot.'' And Joel responded, "You'll be Fine." Joel Coen was wearing a full Countess Dowager costume, I presume.,,20041613_6,00.html
FMK: Superman, Batman, Lex Luthor
You're such a Gayle, Facetaco.
Well, that was fun, now back to work. Wait--what year is this?! Bush is no longer president? Oh man, you check the Internet "for 5 minutes" and suddenly 5 years are gone. Well, anyways, Thanks, Gabe. Good Luck!
I have a dream that in 50 years Gabe is still writing Hugh Jackman pee articles for Long Term Living Magazine. HJPA are my constant.
Did you see the guy who was in KCC's last video reads VG? She really is family at this point.
That is a great picture. Not just girl talk!
Was it this guy?
You're not there! Is there a set time for chat?
A framed picture of Burt Reynolds.