
I'm wondering if the horseman really IS Abraham at all, I mean he's a totally different height and his head is all decomposed, so there is no real way to tell. It's not too far-fetched that demons were thinking about the long haul 200 years ago and swiped her necklace then to put into play later, it's not like they have a real sense of time or anything. Maybe they just want Ichabod/Abbie to think they have a trump card with Katrina when in fact they are being led on a wild goose chase.
But were they in the same hospital?
THANK YOU for reminding me about AHS, you have made my day at least that much better (see below for why my day has been cruddy)!
My day has been pretty UGH thanks to being lectured at work about something I haven't done (like, they said I did something wrong, but I haven't done anything wrong) which has been annoying the snot out of me...
Dumplings are the best food known to man.
This morning was kind of off to a rocky start, fog caused asthma issues, then traffic was oddly heavy, then I get to work (super late) and spill my coffee ALL over my desk (at least it wasn't my keyboard this time though). BUT I have AHS to look forward to tonight, which I have been eagerly awaiting since the second LAST week's episode ended! I can't get enough of Zombie/Frankenstein-Boyfriend! I even marathoned the first 2 seasons between Friday and Sunday, because I hadn't seen them before for some reason...
Oh! Oh! And people taking pictures with their iPads!
And neon shirts that say like "RAMIREZ FAMILY VACATION 2013!!!!!"
Well I'm doing a lot better than I was last time I did one of these things, work is still stressful but also somehow less stressful. I've been enjoying Sleepy Hollow a lot, but now I am sad it will be gone for 3 weeks. On the flip-side though I am positively obsessed with this season of American Horror Story (I need to go back and watch the first 2, I haven't seen them at all) which isn't going anywhere, so yay!
Yessss Night Vale was sooooo good and soooo creepy this week!
Yeah Tumblr fandom spelunking is only for the brave or desperate. Trust me.
Well he was playing with the shower in the hotel, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe he took one???
I'm curious but I don't CARE exactly. I keep forgetting she even exists until they show her...and honestly I think Ichabod does too, haha.
THIS. I've felt the same way the whole time, I can totally understand why both sisters feel the way they do but I feel like Abby is getting punished for how she acted and I don't think she was unreasonable at all.
I hate the raisins but if I must I will tolerate them for the sake of the oatmeal cookie.
Ghost puppy in itself makes me sad I could definitely not handle that gravestone, thank you for the warning because my son loves Halloween and wanted this thanks lol. I'd rather he keep on watching The Nightmare Before Christmas, I've come to the realization that since everybody in Halloweentown was born as a monster, etc. that Zero was always a ghost dog and was definitely never a living dog that died and became a ghost dog. So I am allowed to like him.
I like that he is in his revolutionary war clothes but it grosses me out because he has been wearing them for 200 years under ground and now he wears them every day running around and stuff.
Thanks! I hope so too! I will just be happy if I make it out of this with my sanity haha
We just got our moving boxes at 2:30 pm today. For example.
I've had about 2 weeks notice that we have to move our office on this coming Saturday and I am the office manager. I think you can imagine the world of stress it's been for me lol. Not to mention I have school and I had a paper due that had several due dates. Today has been awful, this week has been awful and the rest of the week will be awful. Probably also a good chunk of next week will be as well.
I can understand how it is thought of as a miniseries, but technically it shouldn't be, you would think...
I also thought the song they chose was really strange considering the shows they chose to use.
Seeing Bill Nye wearing a t-shirt sure is strange.
Seeing Bill Nye wearing a t-shirt sure is strange.
I am actually really jealous of this guy's collection, he has some great stuff.
Whatever man, I can't hate. My house looks like the wall with the open dolls (it really does, he has a bunch of Monster High dolls there!) so I really can't judge the guy, give me a few years and release 8800 more Monster High dolls and I would probably have 9000 too....
I heard him speak for the first time on the carpet at the VMAs and he sounds EXACTLY like his dad. EXACTLY. It's eerie.
The tiger plushie really makes this photo.
They really do, even the last time I saw Shaun of the Dead (Friday night) I noticed details/foreshadowing that I missed the previous million times I've seen that movie!
Oh I also expected for them to reference "the greater good" a couple times in certain spots but they never did it!
I love how they switched it up too~ Shaun of the Dead: Both losers Hot Fuzz: Simon Pegg = Straight Man The Worlds End: Nick Frost = Straight Man Nice n' equal~
I thought the ending was pretty weird, like "well, that escalated fast!" weird. I did not see that coming at all haha. Also I loved Nick Frost: Action Hero. That was awesome. I think more things about this movie but I will probably just be replying to people with those thoughts because I am not very good at talking about movies by myself!
*chashu pork, not chashu port!