
A stereogum without you is like a Nirvana without Kurt Cobain. Foofighters. Please find a way to stay.
gotta love how you're not chimeing in on your very own thread they got going over there. Its long. Someone posted half a book. Keep them waiting.
don't even joke like that lol
That can't be doing it much justice but its nice to know there's new xx on the horizon
Dude they are ALL formulated plans of attack. Thats every musician, INCLUDING BJORK. She may not be the same kind of wierd as Bjork but she is clearly pretty unique to say the least. For example, I know you dont really look like that weird face you used for your profile picture, its not REALLY who you are. If all you're saying is that she's trying too hard to be weird, then ok. Keep in mind though, Bjork has like two decades worth of "being weird" practice over Grimes. And for the record...I like your pic. Respek.
Na she has a lisp for sure. I find it kind of cute. She's not usually coherent either, her vocals are part of the beat usually and hard to understand. I can see why someone wouldnt't be crazy about her but, dude, she's my favorite artist right now by far. Totally my opinion.
probably none of the above.
there's a time and place for everything. Have some class.
Is the picture of the guy screaming at the laptop Michael_?
And now that is's come...Enjoy!
Ok one more. Nothing makes you feel better when getting out of the gym at 1:45 on a Saturday night then a nice smooth new track to mellow you out... Well maybe a glass of wine.
You KNOW the record is good if it can get comments this lengthy and deep.
I could listen to Lady endlessly....
valid point lol
Is it just me or is she looking kinda ripped? Must be that P90X... Good for her.
I'm with Cooper. I also don't know who she is beyond lady who sang at superbowl