
Sterogum: Freshly Squeezed Pomposity
Really, anything by Beck.
like i'm glad some of the albums you mentioned aren't on this list because everyone on this list is dead, broken up or washed the fuck up; but still classic. whats going on, talking book and automatic for the people...yum
less twitter flame wars, more enraged lyricism. please.
15 years ago this would be sad, but the music scene in obviously no longer band-centric; Jack White is a prime example of pure self-sufficient talent and success. Artists work on "projects" not bands any more. It's rather refreshing.
why didn’t chris martin make the news when he did this?
why didn't chris martin make the news when he did this?
They basically did what MGMT tried to do with Congratulations with a great amount of ease and naturalness and most importantly, legitimacy.
2011 better knock me on my ass and make me call it daddy.
Vernon really brought something to the table in this one. The cut from Woods went so well with the drum break in the beginning. Yeezy is one of the very best producers of our time no doubt. now excuse me while i visit damn their advertising is flawless.