
Demolition. As a record it's kind of strange, but it has so many of my all-time favorite Ryan songs (Hallelujah, Cry On Demand, Starting to Hurt, She Wants to Play Hearts, Tennessee Sucks). So great you guys.
I go through phases... every year or so I get the itch and only the Beatles can scratch it. And every time that happens a new favorite seems to rise to the top. Several months ago (the last time I was on my Beatles-binge), Let It Be really got me like it never had before. That was fun, especially because I'm usually apt to brush that one off (we do have Let It Be...Naked after all). But if I'd have to pin down my definitive all-time favorite? White Album. Every time.
So the question is... why did they cancel all their upcoming tour dates?? Hopefully this is a sign that they'll be rescheduling them soon...