
Torn btw "Shout it Out" (Cronin) & "Chain Smoker" (Chance)
A little Peter Brady Killah action around the 2 minute mark, no?
I bet she still manages to smell like the inside of a cigarette butt cup at a keg party.
Hell of a last name you've got there, Cornell.
This wasn't as offensive as I predicted. As far as underrated tracks go: "I Can't Win" & "Under Control" (the Strokes Prom Song) come to mind.
Yeah, I grew up in around Boston and while there is much to get involved with in terms of a local scene, there's less of an overall appetite for new and interesting music than other major cities. A lot of it has to do with, as mentioned above, the Ivy League/transplant crowd, but also just it's size and restrictions in general. Good to see that Boston is getting into the game with stuff like this, crappy to see the first name I see is Fun..
For a band who's best songs literally depend on what hour of the day it is, this list really isn't terrible. "Up In Heaven (Not Only Here)" even made the cut - great call! Skipped over all the commentary out of respect for the band. Only thing I would have added would be "Stay Free", but who the hell am I?
I watched fun. on TV the other night and got the strongest urge to punch a lead singer in the face since the first time I saw a Buckcherry music video.