
How To Train Your Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel
Frances Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
I automatically read the title as "Holiday songs" so I'm just going to assume Chanukah songs are kosher too.
Before Midnight is most certainly not a comedy...
Suddenly I want to buy tires...
Up - the first GIF to ever make me cry in the first seven seconds.
The version I had didn't have any subtitles, and it was verrrrry confusing, but even then I still liked it!
Definitely Eternal Sunshine, though Brick is a close second. Also and Being John Malkovich and Traffic and Wet Hot American Summer and Lost in Translation and 21 Grams and Eastern Promises and In Bruges and A Serious Man and oh my goodness that is a lot of movies.
If it makes you feel any better, it's a toilet snake:
Except for that time she broke Mark's heart, and my heart right along with it.
Sarah's always been super to me.
A group of friends never has to pay the late fee on their VHS tape rental despite keeping it for more than seven days.
Anthony Hopkins sure does know his wine pairings!
A young girl is surprised when her mom, who she thought died years ago, suddenly returns home and very much wants a hug.
Well that escalated quickly.
Well jeez Kelly Conaboy no reason to get so formal, I thought we were cool.
I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog, Boo.
Well this post took many hours to show up... not sure why it was immediate as a comment reply with an image hosted on imageshack, but seemingly needed moderator approval (or some other weird time delay?) as a post with an image hosted on imgur. I humbly submit my apologies.
I finally learned this recently! Just paste the raw image link, and it's all magic from there.
Definitely getting fired.
They pulled a US government and just decided to go back to work instead of defending themselves. Thank you 9pm coffee.
Uhhhhhh thanks?
Watching all this love around me Often so inspiring And this newest bachelorette! The one I'm most admiring I want one day to win her heart And yet, it's too embarrassin' See, I'm not even in the race Cuz I'm your host, Chris Harrison
I've been debating this one all evening.
If that’s true, if you don’t know who I am, then I am whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would I say I am. In the paper, the news, every day I am. Radio won't even play my jam.
If that's true, if you don't know who I am, then maybe your best course would be to check out my website
It was a nice parallel to the doors closing for The Red Wedding, and this time I was ready in fetal position.
Ark Week, where we have torrential rain for seven days straight and Steve Carell builds a giant boat to save horny animals.