
Yup, it turns out Birdie's one mean-spirited puppy.
No, this dog is just carrying out a Birdieogum Everywhere mission.
"Don't commit your hate crimes here, Narc. HATE CRIME!" #10yearoldSimpsonsjokes
Can't an iguana try to win a rap battle without everyone snickering and being all immature about it?
Arggh! I'm so incensed by how horrible this invention actually is. You're lying in bed at night and your back is itchy -- it's happened to all of us. Obviously, the best solution is to get out of bed, put on your robe and slippers 'cuz it's chilly, run downstairs to the one corner of wall in your laundry room or garage where you felt comfortable installing this eye-sore, and spend the next 10 minutes squirming upright in the dark. Oops, don't forget to take off your robe again, since you can't feel the scratcher through it!
And yet the tip I sent in for an adorable, lighthearted, and frankly amazing video of cats playing patty-cake was completely ignored (available here for anyone who's interested: I know you're team dog, Gabe, but this is too far.
I don't know, this feels like a really calculated attempt to go viral to me. I'm not getting a "we should all be so lucky as to find something in this world to make us happy" vibe from this guy. More like: goofy bathing cap and goggles? Check. Pull my shorts up high? Check. Make sure to include hump moves in my dance? Check. One youtube fame-moment please.
Hey, my name's spelled "Kathleeny" not "Dan", Gabe. I sent you the tip for this last Friday.
Stop cheapening the memory of Harold and Maude, Restless! And Blue Valentine, stop cheapening the memory of... a Fatboy Slim video?
This woman is awful. But Gabe, when you shout-type "THIS FUCKING CUNT" you sound like Mel Gibson on the phone and you make me want to stop coming here. And I like coming here.
Except he needs to stop hyping up how young and fine his mom is and how she could be his sister and all. And maybe less butt-shots? C'mon, son.
Yup! Something's wonky.
Sigh. F%$*in' images.
She's like Jerri Blank's wholesome, well-adjusted, butch sister.
I agree with Gabe that Terry Richardson is gross and should be in jail. However, cross-dressing ≠ being transgendered or pretending to be transgendered. Some people who cross-dress identify as transgender, but MANY drag queens and many straight men who cross-dress do not. Candy Magazine states that "it is the first transversal style magazine ever completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transexuality, cross dressing and androgyny, in all its manifestations", and I feel like this cover works within that framework. PS while I'm on the subject of nitpicking, HIV ≠ AIDS, even when we're talking about puppets. And... I'm done.
How long has Mrs. Krabappel been doing voice work for Mariska Hartigay?
Mr. Seinfeld T-shirt at 1:15 proves these guys know from comedy hijinx.
"Look at him standing there on his hind legs, like Rory Calhoun." - Mr. Burns
"I'm wearing a bathrobe, and I'm not even sick." - New Kids on the Blecchh episode.
That sucks. As another cat lady, I was totally buying this product until I read your comment. Gross commercial shmoss commercial, I'd pay big bucks to be able drink my cat's urine with my buddies. That's what this ad's for, right?
The fact that they have John Bellairs books on the shelf puts this over the top from amazing to perfection for me.
Ha ha, "clench up inside" for hunks. That's what you said.
"I would hope that a COLLEGE GRADUATE would be able to contextualize the audio of his crappy greeting card." His? Tsk, tsk, Gabe. I guess you missed the Curb episode where Suzie informed Larry that women also graduate from college these days... and that he was a bald, four-eyed fuck.
For real. Smugness and ageism don't become you, Gabe.
Richard: Since you can't die and all, maybe YOU carry all the unstable dynamite for this mission you're so keen on. What a jerk!
I'm sorry but did she just say she has to use pads because her CERVIX is too narrow (0:15)??? Holy hell should you never be trying to shove a tampon through your cervix. Yikes, male writers of this sketch!