
Why is this not longer? I want to see her reactions while on the train!
I watched the first few episodes of LBD when it started and then forgot about it. But I'm doing a Bicentennial P&P challenge and want to watch it as part of the challenge, so I'm excited about getting back to it.
It is seriously one of the best parts about being a librarian! Bye kids! And sadly we did not get to Bingo in time to snag seats so I went home and watched 30 Rock after all!
I want to look/dress/be Busy Phillips sometimes.
My day started off with waking up to discover I was the 'little spoon' to my two kittens. So pretty great. Read some stories to adorable monster children and then left them to their teachers. Chatted with the author I have coming to visit the library on Monday and the bookstore we're consigning books from. Didn't have to go to a meeting because I have rolled off a certain committee. And started the second to last episode of Fringe (LINCOLN LEE!!) Tonight I was going to chill with the pets and have wine and waffles alone while watching 30 Rock, but may have to go play Bingo at an Elk Lodge with a good friend instead (damn). So, like I said, a great day!
I teared up a little at the announcement that BBC Sherlock action figures are going to be a thing. But the speed with which these fandoms work is even more amazing.
Good idea, though I think I'll make my own Nick a la New Girl...
I am definitely taking part in this. But who should I look at for the "You look over at someone you’re watching it with and they are crying. :(" Rule when I'm drinking alone?
The Dollshouse Downton video almost makes up for all the tears I cried last night. Almost.
I love little children, but I love leaving when they are crying at bedtime to go home to my puppy and quiet apartment even more.
But I was pretty psyched when Max mentioned my alma mater on Happy Endings. And how nice did his hair look in the first scene of that episode? So nice.
Parks and rec came back last night?! Why did I waste my evening hanging out with small children?!
I am literally sitting 5 feet away from that book. #librarianed
I love Supernatural, despite its faults (including McG). They just have too much fun making it, to not like it!
Yeah, they showed the series finale on Christmas. It was a great episode and a perfect ending, but I am very sad. But maybe the cast is still hanging around the area!
As much as I agree that 'Face of Heroism' isn't a great name for this, I also dislike 'Best Kick Ass Lady Performance,' how about just 'Best Kick Ass Performance'? Because, obviously, we are making all the decisions for these choices.
I'm very excited that Leverage won something, I don't think I've even seen it nominated before and it was such a fun show. RIP Leverage and all of your Doctor Who and Joss Whedon references.
Thanks, my ovaries just went into overdrive.
2012 was the year I really embraced the gif, so they're all my favorites. But for some reason this one always makes me happy
My mind wants to tell me that there has been a gay version. But I don't think there has, and that's A TRAVESTY.
They were really interviewing Benedict Otterbatch weren't they? Seeds? Swimming and running?
I would love if Aziz Ansari showed up in the It's Going to Happen One Day Veronica Mars Movie. So you should film that at dinner!
Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Amy Poehler, Neil Gaiman, Maureen Johnson, Sunita Williams...can we bring people back from the dead? Because that adds a LOT more to the list.
When Clinton won, my teacher at the time said Saddam Hussein was dancing in the street. So yes? Don't remember similar about Gore or Kerry though.
The whole debate (any debate, really) made me really uncomfortable. What really incensed me, however, was one of the pundits rehashing it who said something along the lines of 'Women will just see two high school jocks who don't like each other arguing and they won't get turned on by either of them enough to choose one to vote for'* *I don't remember the exact quote because everything went red and I don't remember much else.
I came home and my roommate was watching it, that's only reason I can give. I should have gone to my room and read a book.
I almost downvoted this, not because of you but because of how awful that storyline would make me feel!
I'm not a parent, but if I were and I looked out the window to see a grown man chasing my daughters around my yard, I would be EXTREMELY FREAKED OUT.
Ben's Star Trek fanfic, Lucy Lawless (because Xena: Warrior Princess is basically the perfect woman for Ron Swanson), Tom's line about taking the easy way out because it's easy, everything Andy ever says or does, Donna discussing 50 Shades (though that's a little stale at this point), and the perm, THE PERM! I just think it's all The Best.
I don't even care, he was wearing a purple shirt and suspenders.
I also did not watch the debate, for many of the reasons above but also because my roommate had her conservative friend over so they could debate AFTER the debate and the thought of that gave me hives. Instead I went on a date and had makeouts while watching Hackers.
I'm reading it for the first time too! It's fun imagining all the characters as actors I know will play them instead of being angry/grudgingly accepting of the casting.
I'm imagining a dragon sized Benedict Cumberbatch. Which is either terrifying or thrilling.
Excellent, could we hop over and drink it at the Bradbury Landing site?