
I can't wait for that meal recounting.
I meant the 3:38 runtime is justified. Whatever. I was too hypnotized by the winking ass.
What I love (do not love) are all the comments on VH1, telling the network it's being unreasonable for taking this and possibly I Love Money 3 off the air. "Can't you just edit him out?" was one common opinion. And, "If the family doesn't want to watch it, there's such a thing as channel blocking!" (OF COURSE THE FAMILY DOESN?T WANT TO WATCH IT.) These people are so out of it they can't see the difference between comically tragic comeuppance porn and a genuine human tragedy. I know these people are idiots, but if murder can't shake some compassion and common sense into you, what will?
Wow, that 3:38 is so justified.
It's like the Saw series barfed all over Flight of the Bumblebee.
You could say he's performing a service by protecting them. But then does that mean Gabe follows Dane Cook?
Glad someone else feels that way! She is always so much fun. Why people can't just watch the silly video and smile is beyond me (other than the need to snark 24/7).
They make shirts WITHOUT sleeves now?
So what you're saying is that Futurama ISN'T coming back.
Who plays this music? Where does it come from? I know it's not on MTV and okay, I admit that I'm 25 going on 50 and the only radio I listen to in the car is NPR, but I CANNOT fathom stations playing this. Are stations playing this? Or is this the final straw in the internet's "shut it down" coffin?
Yes and no: No, it is not better than the Iron & Wine version (but I think you were joking maybe?) but hell yes the Iron & Wine cover is a snoozefest. Glad someone is with me on that (but I still think you were joking? I'm not).
This makes no sense. None. This sounds like something that Wayne Brady and (insert random white dude in a bowling shirt here) would have done on "Whose Line is it Anyway?" I'm even more amazed they don't spell their name "Confyde."
Men in turtle costumes crying like garden hoses on full-blast while you laugh maniacally? That's how you end an interview?
Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett can talk over ANYTHING in my life as far as I'm concerned. I coulda used them at my grandmother's funeral. I rented Twilight because of Rifftrax and there's no way could have slogged through that thing without it.
He's made of candy AND directing actual transformers on set?!
You could also critique the punctuation. Also pretty bad.
She even had a car, but the bitch didn't come visit!
My first thought was of those abominations the bully kid from Toy Story puts together. But I love a good Jasper reference.
I bet that's gonna happen. In like five years, I'll be saying how Scream was the shit back in day, and there's no need for a remake and everyone will say "Shut up, Grandma," and I'll tell them I'm only 30, to which they'll respond, "You're THAT old? Why haven't we put you on an ice floe already?"
Ghostbusters. That would just be a huge crap all over my childhood memories. Of course Dan Aykroyd might do that before any else gets the chance, which would be worse...
So do I. It was hard being the other, other woman, but worth it.
There's some oddly sexual pie footage (wha?) at the end of that first clip...if you can sit through the two minutes...but why you would sit through anything for oddly sexual pie footage is a mystery to me, so I'll shut up now.
I have nothing to say about Lady Gaga, just that I love this at the 1:43 mark where the guy enters from the left, flailing like he's on fire.
Hi, I'm Jokes. I don't think we're met.
Nominating that for a WTF award is a WTF moment.
I loved (hated) the use of the emotional music during the Celebrity Apprentice mention. So uplifting.
Autotune is such a nightmare! No matter who it is, it sounds like a robot self-destructing. I like electronic music, but this is science run amok. More worrisome than cloning.
I live in Cincinnati! How did this sneak past me? I even recognize that homeless man and his companion, the one where Shadow Hare said, "He won't recognize us 'cause he's blind..." and then I laughed and laughed. I gotta walk around downtown and find this guy. I wonder if he keeps his costume in his trunk so he can change right after work...or if he just wears it while on the bus to Government Square...
The guy who picked her up off the beach really did seem like he wanted to ravish her. Fabio, do you even screen these sailors before you let them on your crew?
O.M.G. "You're gonna need a dick army?" Schuster said that? With this redickulous segment and the Million Man March jab, I'm a fan.
I think this Nintendo fad is here to stay.
How can we save Damon Weaver? How can we save all the Damon Weavers?
They really put that audition footage to good use!
Okay, maybe it was an homage to the Wire, seeing as how Dukie just made a cameo. Obsessed Wire fan shutting up and signing off now.
Ah, I should have read closer. Sorry But yeah, I want to like this show but I dunno where they get off using that, like the article points out, it didn't fit with the suspect in the scene.