
Check out the comments on the Mashable website. One guy actually speaks of Family Guy's "creative brilliance."
Who else is glad to see the Where the Wild Things Are ads replace the stupid Coke ads. I like Coke and all, but their ads were terrible. "What if CocaCola had a dance contest with the Pythagorean Theorem?", oh I don't know, maybe I would shoot myself in the face because that is infuriatingly dumb.
I never feel right about people saying that sex with someone who is handicapped is gross. I mean, imagine if you were in some sort of accident that left you without the use of some or all of your limbs. Pretty bad huh? Also, now everyone views sex with you as taboo. What a big bowl of : (
So, my favorite part of the Dove commercial is when the woman throws the cactus over her shoulder in such a way as to show her armpit.

It's just so unnatural and forced that I find myself waiting for it to happen, and then I'm like "oh, that was it!"
I can't watch YouTube at work, but I did happen to see this last night, and goodness gracious did I like it!
Anyone else notice the sweet spiderwebs in the corners of the motorcycle cage?
just a little bit of HTML could fix you spacing problem
I always think your avatar is a bloody version of Billie Joe from Green Day.
No, that's definitely the Paradise Falls Diner and a two legged classroom desk.
I remember seeing some sort of interrogation scene in the trailer that seemed like it was going to give some insight as to why the aliens were there in the first place. I found it curiously absent from the film.
Some one correct me if I just don't remember it, I have a history of recreational drug use.
Yes, I found all of these on the same forum (there were a lot more!). I had to dig through several pages of people talking about how many handjobs they wanted to give to Eric.
I've obviously stumbled upon a True Blood gif treasure chest today -
I can't open YouTube at work, but just thinking about Atreyu trying to pull Artax out of the Swamp of Sadness makes me want to cry. Almost as much as Eric cried on the roof with Godric (there should totally be a clip of that).
Yeah, I was wondering if there was some advantage over a regular text. When text messaging first became a thing, I thought of it as IM'ing that you could do anytime, anywhere from your phone. I now find out this exists (from these comments) and I don't know what to think.
isn't that just text messaging?
Of all the things I don't understand about this (clown paint, hatchets, ninjas, dead animal rape, the word juggalo, etc.), I would have to say that the devotion to Faygo is the most baffling.
What's the deal with the cargo pants? Is is it still the late 90's? Are we in an Old Navy?
That's what it looked like. I don't understand how they looked at that finished product and didn't say "oops, big mistake!" but I guess that also didn't occur to them when they decided to make a "I'm a fangbanger" t-shirt.
Although there are many more things wrong here, what is up with that font? It looks like periods are randomly distributed throughout the text.
This comment was supposed to be in reply to the two little spats that flared up in the wake of Passerby's comment, and were quickly extinguished with everyone apologizing and being e-friends again. My first post ever and I've already failed.
These comments are an emotional roller coaster!