
e) how you didn't use the more obvious RAV-4 as your crossover SUV
Would be better if they were all, like, almost making out.
this is some hot shit
Are you THE Tony Paker, pofessional basketball player?
Every year my resolution is to floss more. This year I will have to floss 28 times.
This whole lawsuit Pat Borders on the insane.
"Most famous for his guest starring turn in an episode of Starz Channel's short-lived 'Party Down.'"
How much could a campaign cost? Ten dollars?
And for those who like to look at animals one frame at a time:
Seriously though, when's your next DJ night Amrit?
"You guys give up or are you thirsty for more of my blood, shed for you?" #JesusMcCallister
"This is my father's house, I have to defend it." #JesusMcCallister
Aww. That baby is almost as cute as Mase.
You must have never watched Bill Nye. Because "Water Cycle Jump" alone...
They say the greatest party trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he could balance a Diet Coke can on its edge.
"We really enjoy your earlier comedies and your career-rebounding dramas, but there was certainly a down-period in the 90s where we didn't even bother to see your films because they looked so juvenile. Nonetheless, you are one of the rare celebrities who somehow manages to appear down-to-earth in spite of their immense fame and fortune. And, yes, 'career-rebounding' was meant to be a basketball-related pun," The Obamas said, in unison.
I hear Heisenberg makes sick crystal which I want to try.
Hunger Games trailer looks pretty good! Then again, I thought the Golden Compass trailer looked pretty good! Don't get me started on the Where the Wild Things Are trailer. I think the trailer for Brick is cool, too. And A Clockwork Orange is certainly a classic.
You guys should watch this video instead?! Maybe. Just sayin'!
Bradley Cooper looks like 1996.
Kelly saw this comment and told Gabe, "I think I might have maybe saw Mailman making an inappropriate comment." Gabe told Scott to look into Mailman's commenting, see if there was any truth to this "inappropriate comment business." Scott talked with Amrit and they decided to maybe just suspend Mailman's account and ask him to comment a little less. Because if this comment got out there, Videogum's entire legacy would be impossibly tarnished. Ten years later, everyone went to jail.
I like you for you, Leo.
Poor town will shit you out like a dog.
Pretty sure Gabe nailed this one.