
It's definitely not Nate. He WOULD submit himself. He was probably stoned out of his droopy eyeballs when he did it. He's in jail, right? Almost in jail? Whatever. He was barely around this season. He's the worst. It's not Chuck. He's a supporting actor. As in the part of the story he's involved with supports the whole show in continuing to be on the air. But again, not the lead. The lead actor is Dan. I don't know if anyone else suggested this, but if so, we're all correct. Also, there is nobody more suited to recap GG than you Kelly. I say this in regards to the "AHHHHHH!!" text messages I would receive after you watched an episode.
I feel like he could have worn something better to make it a little more traditional with the whole "down on bended knee" thing. "He proposed to me with a graffiti mural but for some reason I can remember it being laundry day, too." - future Caitlin
a guy awkwardly having to go through with marriage? it would've eventually happened anyway!