
Had to log in to comment on this when I saw this only had 7 comments. This is the best people! I mean, Max and Gabe deserve all the comments!
Is it just me or does a part in Machu Picchu sound like Jackson's "Wanna be Starting Something" at a few points?
I think its time to blow this scene Get everybody and their corgi's together 3... 2... 1... Let's Tether.
Went to College in Grand Rapids! So - Here! Here!
It'd be ok as long as they forgot to bring the gun.
Seriously though - no jokes. Just wow.
Turns out my Batman name is the same as my stripper name. Lame.
You know that time when Thanksgiving is over, all the Christmas stuff comes out and you've never seen your mother happier than that moment when she takes her little Dickens Houses out of their boxes. After all of them are shining on the mantle, she takes out her favorite Christmas ornament, a bright and delicate red one, and places it on the Christmas Tree. This is gif is like that, except for me.
Well?! She didn't want to go anyway! (srsly w/ the downvotes?)
I just realized my parents are in town this weekend. Is my mom allowed to attend?
"The bridge had grown old. She bared no regrets having provided safe crossing for many travelers. Yet has she pondered his legacy and fate she longed not to grow rusty and rotted. She would go in a blaze of glory and in front of millions of viewers. She was proud." - Mans
Just keep fucking that chicken you guys.
Dont worry Squirrel, the reset button has been pushed.
Truit! Team Universalism!
Also I thought the Gretchen Goes to Heaven was funny, but not as funny as Sad Keanu at the Birthday Party - which I believe is one of my favorites.
Well, as a christian who firmly believes in some kind of afterlife (no burpo), I would just like to say that I am delighted to be a part of a community that tends to be not coarse. Ya'll so swell!
It's different for guys in Hollywood, I think. Seth Rogen is (unironically?) playing a superhero. idk. Also - I totally knew that guy in highschool. I'm not going to think of him everytime Draco comes on the screen thursday night... thanks. jk
One of the things that I've always wondered: What would have happened Emma Watson had not grown up to be as attractive as she so obviously is? Would they have replaced her? I mean, Hollywood is such an asshole sometimes. Did they know, even when she was 11 that she was going to be attractive? Because I find that kind of foresight a little disturbing. Well, Hollywood is an asshole sometimes so I guess if anyone was scoping the little girls for their future attractiveness it would be them. Better yet! Do asking these questions make me an asshole? IDK! I hate issues like these. Why can't we all just be amazingly attractive people inside and out?
Talk about Harry Pooter
That's what a father does to raise his son into a proper Mans
Day 6: How to Identify if a murdered body was murdered by v-gum monsters You can tell because the murdered body is in fact not murdered but very much alive. We don't kill people here right?
Order is restored! And Scrabio grows a little as a human being.
Can I just say that I don't even read names anymore unless somebody has an avatar I don't know, so when people change their avatars I feel anxious. You, Mrs. Hausfrau, chris_trash concert_addict and a few others have all changed avatars so that I get confused when I read your comments. Its like I have to start reading your comments in a different voice or something like that. Anyjiz, I don't want you to change back, because change is good for everyone including me. Your new avatars are great! I just wanted to express my own emotional struggle with change and hopefully find some solidarity and comfort with those who feel the same way. Also, cat farts, yay!
I like that trend. Dare I say I would hit that trend I like it so much. (oops... better?)
I'm not sure but this might be your second "hit that" comment of the day. Are you trying to tell us something thisismynightmare?
No, bing, it's Cowboys AND Aliens. Get it right, its not that hard.
Patrick's outstanding joke from last week is totes appropriate here: ā€œIā€™m on it.ā€ ā€“ Vivid founder and co-chairman Steven Hirsch
Does the 'suck the venom out' gag technically count as a nutshot? Either way, I am SO back and forth on this movie.
My favorite fights used to take place on friday nights. They were called Friday Night Fights. Never Forget.