
In principle, I agree 110%. There really is something quite trashy about being entirely dependent on that "oh man I know both of these songs" childish thrill for your success, even if you are quite skilled at combining those songs. In practice, I have definitely found myself quite enjoying some bits of Girl Talk.
I think I remember hearing that the fight was being filmed in France, so that at the end of the broadcast they can just put up a title card saying "Fin."
I herd there was a pun thread going on, so I thought I'd contribute before cooler heads tried to rein[deer] it in. BAM(bi)!
I mean, hell, he couldn't even pull off being Batman once. And yes, I got your actual joke; I just also wanted to call attention to how terrible he was in that movie.
I sort of love that on videogum, a bad pun thread is automatic. I mean sure, they're not all of the same caliber, but at least it's never a bore.
I thought I was the only one with a secret little soft spot for that movie (especially the Marley brothers), but then I made new friends in a new town and discovered that they have a big party to watch that movie just after x-mas every year. This made me very happy.
If you feel uncertain, just pray. I'm sure if you are pumpkin pie-ous enough, the answer will appear to you. It's a shame that you are drifting apart, though - she used to have you so whipped [cream].
Is it true what they say about all you see is a bigger bone on black swans?
I don't think that we, as morally sound individuals, can rightly force Gabe to experience this.
AHEM, I think you are forgetting The Muppet Christmas Carol, a.k.a. cinematic genius comes to muppet-town.
It is a very brief film, in which Dorothy is killed by the tornado within a few minutes. See, she didn't hear it coming, because dumbass kids today never take their stupid goddamn awful-sounding iPod earbuds out long enough to have a conversation without being rude little turds, let alone stop listening to Lady Gag$ha long enough to notice a tornado is happening. #crotchetyoldmanattheageof24gum
Blargh, should have proofread: "kind of crazy new street DRUG", not "drugs". If I'm gonna be a jerk, I should be one to myself as well.
So maybe I'm alone in this, but when the anchor said "Wesh" I thought he sounded kind of sloshed himself, until I noticed that that is actually the unfortunate name of the station.
Ummmmmm are you saying they should test for some kind of crazy new street drugs that causes news anchors to use correct grammar? Because I was actually rather proud of that anchor. Apparently NONE [subject: singular] of you kids today KNOWS [verb: also singular] how to talk words good.
You let people borrow yours? I treat mine like a special collections item: folks can look, and with the proper clearances even touch, but I don't let it leave the library. (The library is my body.) Also, I can only assume that Gwyneth is terrible at playing the skin flute because she is terrible at everything.
I would give her a break if, after all that time, she had actually learned to play the guitar. But she clearly has not. So basically she is sitting around whining about how hard it is to do something she hasn't actually learned to do (though I'm sure plenty of toadying sycophants told her she's the next Hendrix). Basically, everything about this situation, from her whining all the way down to anyone in the world actually believing that she learned to play the guitar (and maybe even respecting her for it?), is insulting to me as a musician. She should go whine to guys like Jeff Goldblum and Hugh Laurie about having to learn 3 whole chords, and then they could laugh at her and it could end up on YouTube and the world would be a better place.
As a fellow composition major, I mostly just cry about the fact that I know even more guitar chords than Gwyneth (or her husband, for that matter), and am painfully underemployed.
I want it to happen so that Gwyneth can get horribly eaten by zombies... or walkers... or whatever.
So, honestly, I'm kind of curious who thought it would be a great idea to make a video which would involve stuffing choking hazards into a baby's mouth over and over again, for take after take, with the message that it's really easy for kids to choke. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that we were looking at Choking Hazard Baby #3, if not #4.
Rush and The Kids in the Hall are ashamed of this. Me, I'm just starting to feel like nothing ever changes and the world is repeating and endless cycle of puke. This guy knows what I'm talking about:
Oh, the memories. And yes, I think you are correct in saying that I meant to post that picture. However, in the grand tradition of pornos changing details to suit their whims, Sad Keanu will not be eating a cupcake; instead he will be eating a muffin, amirite?
Later, these two show up and make it an orgy:
I know, I mean, all that talk about having a bear in one's cave... scandalous.
You know, I was resisting making such puns, but I guess now I'll have to cave. This might get pretty grizzly, though. Still, I'm sure if we all bear down we can come up with some good ones. I'll just look through this punning dictionary that I bought at the Bearnes & Nobles at the Maul.
Now THAT guy is suffering from Carpathian Kitten Loss.
Automatic upvotes all around for Beetlejuice references.
(When I say "years" it's possible that I simply misspelled "weeks.")
Gentledudes and ladytypes, I give you Ke$ha, ~5 years from now.
His wallet was in his pocket, so by the transitive property of pocket-have, you were totally right.
(Fun Fact: Literally the moment I heard that term on 30 Rock, my first thought was "I am so looking forward to the next time Videogum talks about our girlfriend so that I can use this term." I'm sort of surprised no one beat me to it.)
Ok, so, I know this is our girlfriend, but is there any chance we could take a collective Gentleman's Intermission?
This girl is too high strung. She should learn not to FRET so much. It's getting to be A MAJOR problem. All she has to do is TRY[TONE], and maybe one day she'll SCORE. ... Too much? I'm just trying to keep my pun skills SHARP, but maybe some of those seem a bit RITARDed.
The Zingmaster needs to hang out with the Hatekeeper.