
I realize that this makes me part of the problem, but I am going to watch the fuck out of this.
Paying homage to Tony Micelli of TV's "Who's the Boss," says I.
I can't wait to see what further uses the "crying dads" tag is put to.
I thought she was talking about Chardonnay and low self-image
Way to make me side with cancer, Paltrow.
That link will lead you to two Shiba Inu eating a head of lettuce. Why I don't have all the upvotes IS BEYOND ME.
Oopsies, my mistake. That quote is from an interview with The Sun (meaning it was published in The Sun, not that Kutcher fucked the sun...that we know of)
Oh, I beg to differ, Gabriel. The real bon mots of the piece: "The last thing I remember him saying was he did a good job. We woke up and I was wearing a robe. He opened it up and I was like, 'What are you doing?' He was like, 'Just checking. OK, I did good! You're really pretty.'" AN ADULT HUMAN SAID THAT.
Birdie's health-conscious cousins get their grub on (totally worth checking out, I promise you):
Listen,'s like, okay, what we had? It was good. I'm not going to sit here and tell you it wasn't good, or that I didn't feel anything for you, because that would be a lie, and if there's one thing I know about you, it's that you gots to keep it real. So yes, what we had was special. But I'm afraid it's no more. It's not that you've done anything, not really, it's more that....god, this is hard. I'll just come out and say it: I'm in love with another. Oh, you'd like him! He's so much like you, but so much MORE you, you know? Just, I mean, here, you can read it for yourself.
And, the above photo notwithstanding, rather fetching. Which, i know, irrelevant, except it's not, because I am willing to put up with a racist, disfigured father-in-law if you're attractive. FELLAS.
FELLOW TORONTONIANS OF A CERTAIN AGE: Are y'all ready to turn this is a Speaker's Corner-themed comment thread or what? What's that? You say no and to never speak of it again? Oh, okay. Fine. Sorry.
Anyone who downvotes this will have to reckon with me (but keep in mind that I am wholly powerless and have never been in a physical confrontation in my life, so grain of salt)
The real outrage is that they wasted an import on that kid.
Oh, you know it will be. It'll be Charlie's Angels with uppers.
Earnestgum for a second: The novel by Jacqueline Susann is actually fucking awesome. I haven't seen the film, but from what I understand it's an absolute bastard of a perversion of the novel's storyline. But if you see the book (should be available at any quality second-hand shop near you) buy it. You won't regret it (especially if you are a laydee, because I am telling you, them shits was ahead of its time).
You give me too much credit. I was thinking more along the lines of Gwynnie wanting to play all three sisters....
I require a name. I require a name IMMEDIATELY in order to fully enjoy this anecdote. And yes, Gwyneth is human detritus but these annotated entries are gold. I thank you, and the world thanks you, Mr. Gabriel Delahaye.
Can someone just make the "they had photos of black people in whiteface in their wallets" comment so I don't have to?
Nope. As a Canadian (hi-fives all around for me), the concept of "blackface," and its history and implications are not unknown. This isn't like me not knowing the origins of the term "Cracker," which I believe is exclusively parochial and American. There will be no playing the "oh, we didn't know, we're Canadian" here.
I believe the answer to your question is found in the words "business school"
Real talk: this video makes me uncomfortable, because having a drunk guy sign a waiver is no better than what Joe Francis does with a significant portion of the girls who appear on GGW. It's icky and gross and shame on you, Nat'l Geographic. Shame, says I! (p.s. what IS the First Amendment?)
Almost everything you state is incorrect, but it's after 5 and i'll be damned if i'm going to type out a cogent, point-by-point reply.
I thought Cobain got his first guitar from the money he got selling his stepfather's guns, which he retrieved from the lake after his mother threw them in there in a fit of anger when she found out that he had cheated on her? Why yes, I was a teenager in the early 90s, why do you ask?
"also, Catcher in the Rye is fucking awesome. It really speaks to me in a way that nothing else ever has"
Libertarians are just Republicans who are in favour of legalizing pot. (A cleverer person than I came up with that definition, and I would credit them accordingly, but for the life of me, I can't recall who it was....)
I have had more than enough of your Belize-bashing!
Yes, but Gabe? So few of those inmates are Caucasian! You can see how their deaths don't matter.
"I absolutely loathe hydrangeas, if "hydrangeas" is Latin for 'aging with dignity' "
I'll stick to buying Japanese Detainment Camp jig saw puzzles for my godchildren, thank you very much.
Jews be talkin'!
Real talk: I will watch the fuck out of this, annoying Cajun accents be damned.
The Kardashians. Making the genocide in Turkey the second-worst thing to happen to Armenians.
You were starting high school in 2001? Jesus Christ, Kelly, are you even old enough to be on the internet? Where the hell is your mother?
No, I was referring to its previous uses on this site; in this post it's more like "HUNGER, EH? EH?"
Yeah, and to even use that as a meme? I'm not going to get into a whole thing about it, but it's never sat well with me and to use that photo so frequently every time you want to make a comment about the triteness of some pop culture controversy is just cold. Like, using a photo of suffering children doesn't make your point for you, it only makes you appear to further exploit them. Okay, so I did make a thing about it.
Kelly, have you considered consulting with Dr. Birdie over this fear of heights? I know she's booked well into the fall, but fortunately some peanut butter smeared on a Snausage will get you to the top of the waiting list.
I am required by law to link to this:
Yes, I agree with this one hundred percent and also can you please tell Rob Huebel that I will leave Jesse Eisenberg for him? (it's the heat, y'all. I usually don't get all e-Harmony up in here, but the weather is telling me to have babies)