
Interesting list. A lot of albums there I haven't given any time to that I really want to get stuck into now. Thanks.
This has motivated me to check out some of his "genre excursions" that I've stayed away from so I am very thankful for this list despite it being completely different to how I would rank the albums of his I own. Personally I'd have Imperial Bedrooms at the top, it's as heartbreaking as Blood on the Tracks and Tunnel of Love but works on a different level to those considerably more earnest classics. Thanks for putting this together.
Thanks for the past five years of great writing and great links. Like GradSchool this site helped shape my world view. Can't wait to see what you'll do next.
I thought he'd be cool with people ripping off his stuff considering he rips off old blues artists and other blues artist rip off artists like Led Zep.
Very good. The Hunt was the greatest.
That Green Lantern movie was terrible but could have been great. That Geoff Johns run of GL was remarkably good up until the final couple of years.
Yes, Marvel is just miles ahead. The New 52 is horrible.
Us Australians would like to tell you people that we don't speak like that. Whoever is doing your accent training fire them. Stop making us sound so fucking weird. In fact, those are the worst Australian accents I've heard in a film for some time and it made it hard to enjoy the film whenever those two actors were on screen despite everything else in this movie being easier to enjoy than a fumble in your pants.
Special Brew. The king of beers.
What's even more predictable than this list? The hilarious backlash on here. You want to talk about tired and uninspired? Kids were bagging out Rolling Stone in the 80s. What redundant outrage.
I had not seen that site before. That is very cool.
I call for more Gabe/Videogum literary recommendations. A Videogum Book Club if you will. I find it hard to find places for good book recommendations because every literary blog just seems so ultra wanky. Maybe you guys know some good ones.
I love how the highest ranked comment came after the lowest ranked. Symmetry, I think.
Not terrible, on first listen. The real test is if I hate it or not after the thousandth listen. Chilli Peppers do get played into the ground.
Thank you for so eloquently putting into words may one issue with Jon Stewart. I have always squirmed in my chair when he pulled out the "i'm just a comedian" card. Great writing Gabe.
Click through to the Youtube description. Holy awesome track.
Dont' be hating on our currency!
Please do this for the sake of all Australians Gabe, so our long national nightmare can be over.
Please do this for the sake of all Australians Gabe, so our long national nightmare can be over.
Great work nightmare, great posts!
This is just ridiculously good. Thanks for posting it.
This may be the greatest thing ever. I love Univore.
The best thing about US remakes of UK shows and movies is how much they piss off Brits and Australian anglophiles!
I see your Mission Impossible and raise you a Mission Impossible 2. The second one is terrible and hilarious.
I liked Fever Pitch. I found it pretty fun and much better than the English version. Hornby's original book is brilliant and a must read for anyone obsessed with a sport team (just as High Fidelity is a must read for anyone obsessed with pop music).
Isn't that what Valentine's Day was?
I totally agree, I can't understand why people have to make such a big deal about leaving a website. It happens on a lot of sites I go on, and it is really embarrassing.
Yes, Ozymandis is very offputting in the movie, whereas in the comic he's my favourite character.
Another vote for Reality Bites for the WMOAT. Get er done Gabe the Cable Guy.
I know very little about Monkeybone but that was a great submission and I am now on the Monkeybone bandwagon. Consider me sold strawman!