
If you tiny tiny baby swims across the pool all on her own i think it's time to ditch the condescending cutesy baby-voice and congratulate your baby with some rightfully earned respect!
I don't get it. The wig she's wearing is a sort of an Anime wig, and Anime cartoons are known for their renditions of uncommonly huge, round eyes, so it's not just that she's racist, she's also a big nonsensical dummyhead.
You will live on in our dreams as scary Homer. <3
I kept being so mad at the director for cutting away to the closeup during most riveting parts. Great showcase of your directing prowess Mr. Two Cameras. Why don't you go fly a kite!
If you live in a society of marauding zombie spider-people and you go and use their net as a trampoline because you like the liberating feeling it gives you, then sure, the larger issue is that society has devolved into gangs of marauding zombie spider-people, but the more immediate issue is UH WHY WOULD YOU BE AN IDIOT AND GO AND DO THAT?
There's nothing more fun than SPECIFIC roles! Teens love structure and boundaries!
They NEED me on their team? But their team has worldwide acceptance. That doesn't sound like a team that's aching for my membership.
I'm sure Gabe is so particular about who deserves help and sympathy because he's a male nurse in Africa, and writing a pop culture blog is just an outlet to channel his disgust with the callous opulence of the western world. I'm sure.
By the looks of those magical, flying rainbow poops, i'd say some good acid.
The poop was smeared because it would be really weird if people were neat and pristine toilet seat poopers.
Potty Pax even comes with a convenient and discreet carrying case that you just throw to the ground BECAUSE YOU NEED TO SHIT SO BAAADDD!!!OMFFLFLFLG!!
That lady sounds like a high quality voice synthesizer.
No, which means he's telling us "you're all potential victims of my torture/sex/murder dungeon!"
Your penis was wide-eyed and popping out of it's sockets?
I thought the ad was saying that the car is like a pretty, demure lady that can still FUCK YOU IN THE ARRSSSEE! So i was right.
I think the ad is saying that as a hatchback, the car has a bit of a flat ass, just like that model, but you shouldn't worry about that, because, like, whoops, there are more pertinent and complex issues in life like your confusing feelings about ladyboys.
He was just bein ure girlfriend trying to get you your groove back, girl!
Did she really have to make a categorical point that there will be no canoodling? Like she was being accosted by some terrible creep in a bar. It's just a silly TV pretty boy dazzled by a fun sounding word.
You've been doing a great job. But I'd like to see more features we like gotten rid of, and more features we don't like added. Ok thanks bei!
The Dark Tower is an infrequent poster on Videogum who mostly posts when there is controversy and arguments, and who's rare attempts to comment lightheartedly come off awkward and cumbersome.
I know i only post when i have something horrible to say, and it's not even about being more honest or non-conformist than other people, other people could be just as big as jerks but choose not to, yet i still can't help but say: That dude's got a terrible case of gayface.
Let those young people yoke each other, you grumpy old coot!
"Do you have doubts that your resentment of Jessa isn't driven by the realization that she is a teenage girl's vapidly contrived idea of sassy, but out of mishandled sexual feelings?" Making the engineer's reaction perfectly understandable.
Gabe: haha What a polite and proper laugh you have Gabe, just well measured and restrained, befitting a prim young gentleman!
In soviet russia you live hard, and die easy. (It's funny because it's true!)
I'll have you know, Mars has an equally varied cultural and ethnic makeup, but when it comes to naming them they're just Guys from Mars in your boyfriend's eyes.
DJ BoBo! (what's this about again?)
I just met you, and this is crazy. But i'll trust the uncorroborated intelligence you have supplied me enough to start a war.
Interplanetary spaceships with stasis pods? Sure! Flying laser balls? Standard stuff! Nihilistic humanoid robots? Yep! Automatic medical pods? NUH-UH!!! VERY RARE!! VERY SPECIAL!!! BIG DEAL MR. JIM!!! C'mon son.
The guy that got sick got the same goo that the worms got, the worms that implied the goo had a theme, which was beefing things up into super scary things. But instead of making him into a super scary thing, it just made him sick, yet the guy who got the "impure" goo (ay yayay) turned scary (though not really beefed up), and like you said, the third guy, instead of turning crabby, just died, so it's not really following any logic and there's not any kind of "gen"-orientated sense to it. I'd like to note that at this point i feel like talking about the goo is infecting me and making me sick and weak, while it turned you into a crusading zealot fighting for it's cause, so even here the goo lacks consistency.
Is it just me or has the recent sprawl of superhero movies dumbed us down to accepting cheap looking, toy-like costumes? I mean, look at that photo up there. Those don't look like utilitarian, high tech space suits. They look like cheap, plastic superhero outfits, like something Action Man would wear. Like some silly, high fashion view of the future. I remember used to hating stuff like that, but watching the movie i thought they looked cool. I think i've been brainwashed.
Southland tales is a good point. But only about how these days it's enough for movies to simply associate themselves with grandiose philosophical ideas to receive accolades, not actually build off them or create something sensible and new. Sure, it gets people talking, but it doesn't lead them anywhere or show them anything new or significant. It doesn't take much to get people talking, people like to talk a lot, i want something that gets people to go quiet.
Your response is very funny, my deconstruction of it won't be, so hats off to you sir. My problem is that no one in the movie ever says "This shit is super weird and crazy!" then i would be like "Yeah, see, that guy gets it!", but no one seems to be phased or perplexed by the fact that it's a magical goo with an apparently random mechanism of action. Another thing is that at the very start it is hinted that what to goo does is beef up things into super scary things. The worms in the chamber turn into super scary snakey worms. You don't put that kind of thing in the beginning if you don't want to set a theme. But they don't respect that theme at all. Even though the goo turned all the worms into the same new organism, it turns one person super sick and the other super violent. And then it just goes weirder and crazier from there. But like i said, your response was funnier. :(
All i know that going in i was thinking "please don't let them make a cheap xenomorphs are/come from humans scuzz-shocky twisty thing", and going out i looked at that elegant idea with fond melancholy.
Out of which stem the highly systemic and exhaustive rubbing it and stretching it methods.
Clearly, people in the future have given up on the subtleties of science. When you find an ancient alien head, you stick a large electrode in it and electrocute it. When you want to find out if weird goo has any beneficial properties you just spike someone's drink with it.