
That's a fair point that when asking stupid people what they think, we should expect stupid answers. But to say she is not to blame because we as a society made her famous is maybe letting her off the hook to easily. Farrah has definitely promoted herself and sought to increase her own fame through various means (released a book and sold/"leaked" a sex tape of herself, etc.) As far as I know, none of the other moms from that show have attained the same level of fame she has. She is definitely one of the people trying to legitimize her as a celebrity. All that being said, regardless of fame, even as just a normal non-celebrity person, there is a certain level of stupidity that is still just too much. I can forgive someone not knowing who Trayvon Martin is. Not everyone follows news and current events, so this, while still painfully oblivious, seems within the reasonable bounds of ignorance. But not knowing what feminism means to the point that you don't even recognize the word is a little bit too much. It's like never having heard of Canada. You don't hear about it every day but it's big enough and been around long enough to at least come up sometimes through school or media. You would very nearly have to actively try to keep your children from learning about it.
I don't think the problem is whether or not she is a feminist. The problem seems to be more that she doesn't even have a vague understanding of what feminism means. Coupled with an earlier gaffe in which she didn't know who Trayvon Martin was (and thought it might be a lady she had met or heard of) it just shows a complete lack of knowledge mixed with apathy regarding anything that is happening in the world. You could also potentially make an argument that her initial guesses (trayvon was some famous person and feminist means lesbian) illustrate her fixation on fame and sexuality but that may just be me reading into it too much.
I was a little worried that my lunch isn't very masculine today because it included a raspberry greek yogurt and diet coke with lime, so I added some jalapeno chips to balance things out.
You're assuming she knows what "input" means. You know what happens when you ASSUME? You make and ASS out of Farrah Abraham.
I think my main problem with it is that she wore that foam finger on her right hand when it was clearly made for a left hand. Also the desperation with which she constantly tries to announce that she is no longer a child but a very sexy adult (because nothing screams adult like constantly screaming you are an adult, especially when you do it by flaunting your sexuality). But mainly the foam finger. It looked like her hand was backwards the entire time!
He did say he wanted to strangle the guy who came up with R-Patz. My suggestion for a new nickname is Rob SocioPatz.
Lizard fetuses?
This came out after the first reboot but it's pretty applicable to both and :,14333/
Chicken Soup for the Soul Eater
Are you sure? This escape artist is, by definition, at least trying to get out of this box.
While I wasn't as grossed out after watching the video and seeing that he basically just made a camper that looked like a dumpster, I am now more grossed out when I think about campers.
Yes, but it wouldn't hurt to continue marketing it as good prep for the eventual reaping too.
I want the camp to focus on team-building activities... so I based it around a game which will only have 1 winner which means any alliances formed must inevitably end in betrayal. The only problem before was that kids might be eliminated too early, and thus have no chance to take sweet revenge on traitors. Oh and something about violence being... bad? - Head Counselor, Lindsey Gillette
It depends on whether I'm in the mood for Diet Coke or cocaine.
Flanny can come up with imaginary cars, people, and destinations but only if there are seats to build the story around.
Why are you making the drive without any passengers. I hate how unrealistic some games are.
"Can you teach me to dance in just 1 year?" "No, but I can probably teach you to pop and lock fairly well in that time and some people consider that to be dancing." "Deal."
I love Reubens. I even ate one today. However, I also ate one when it was 100+ degrees outside once right before I went to the beach, and I promise you I definitely went wrong there.
I'm a little hazy on banishment but I think we let the wheel decide. This is after she has fought in the Thunderdome first, of course.
Prop 8 was struck down because no one “suffered a concrete and particularized injury that is fairly traceable to the challenged conduct.” The challenged conduct in that case being gay marriage and in this case her being racist. I've actually kind of wondered about this. It's horrible for her to hire people to pretend to be slaves for her brother, but is it really illegal if the participants were not really coerced and it was, presumably, a voluntary job?
Correction. I feel like that would have been the "smartest" thing for her to do. I guess the "best" thing would have been to apologize and really mean it and maybe still give them some money.
How much are they suing her for exactly? Is it a bajillion dollars or something because I don't get why she is fighting this so hard? I feel like the best thing for her to do at the start would have been "Here is some money and a recipe for butter cake. Live well and keep your trap shut."
Yeah I always felt that movie was kind of silly too. It seemed like the message was "See? Fast food is very bad for your body, especially if you eat it for every meal." To which the entire country responded with a resounding "DUH!" It seemed like the real purpose was to give people who already didn't eat fast food something to pat themselves on the back about.
Umm why are flip flops so terrible but leather pants are okay?
The flip flops just make me like him more. I wish he had worn them for Star Trek.
I really liked this movie but it sounds like this attraction is placing you in the role of the tech nerds who SACRIFICE HUMAN BEINGS TO EVIL GODS. It feels like basing a ride on a WW2 movie and making the audience play the role of the nazis.
I can just picture people saying "Happy Birthday! We are 'Thankful' for you! Haha!" as they hand you a pie, to which you respond "Bitch this is not cake."
July 27th. No holidays really but it is the anniversary of Vincent van Gogh shooting himself.
I enjoyed that movie right up until the kangaroos kept making sex jokes about Lori Petty. I was like "Gross. No one wants to have sex with Lori Petty."
You should say "Why are YOU never leaving my house?" and then very ominously lock the door.
Actually, I hadn't even heard of that show before just now. However, after just watching the trailer and seeing that his character isn't named on IMDB, it kind of feels like how everyone involved with Dark Knight Rises kept insisting that Marion Cotillard was definitely not Talia Al Ghul. Updating my new guess for Vin Diesel to Rage (although that could be the "Agents" character as the two are pretty nearly interchangeable and it would make sense for them to use the more well-known Luke Cage in the movie). Other guesses: Starfox (he is Thanos' brother although I doubt they would include a hero whose power is essentially to psychically induce orgasms), Cannonball (we essentially just watch Vin Diesel rocket into walls the whole movie which I would be okay with), Black Bolt (my favorite as this would severely limit the amount of lines Vin Diesel would have to give).
Honest guess: Maybe considering him for Luke Cage. Any thoughts, True Believers?
Do many schools offer the Christian Engineering program? Is a that a BS or a BA?
Yeah and who are these people that not one of them owns a smartphone?
If I remember correctly, this movie was about a high school teacher being attracted to one of his students. It turns ok though because she is not really in high school. Except he seems to be really angry when he finds out she is not really a teenager. I'm just saying whether or not they got pi right is the least of my problems with this film.
Oh I forgot he made Sucker Punch. If that is his only original work, he definitely needs to stick to adaptations because that shit was just the worst and the creepiest all tied up into one. I think it says something that he made Watchmen and it was not his most messed up movie.
Speaking of which, I got to meet Tommy Lasorda one time when I was in high school. My friend's Great Aunt is married to him or something random like that and he had to go visit "Uncle Tommy" while he was in town doing an appearance at a golf store. I went with him on the way to the movie theater and we walked in as he was telling this somewhat racist story about a kid he signed a ball for named Semaj. I don't want to bore you with the whole story but it ends up the kid is named after his father James, and Semaj is James spelled backward. Tommy finished with "And that's how black people get their names." Super uncomfortable but we were in a golf store in South Carolina so the audience was mostly the type of people that can enjoy that story. Then when I met him he told me I was "big enough to go bear hunting with a switch" (I'm pretty tall). It was a very surreal day for me.
My girlfriend's cousin and her husband named their child Mclaren and just call her Clare for short. It doesn't help me not hate them though and Clare is kind of a bitch for a 7 year old.