
Hulk v. Thor was unexpected and extremely delightful.
Woke up noonish and the first thing I saw online was the news. So bummed out. /Don't judge me I went to the Avengers last night.
Ian MacKaye is totally one of the coolest dudes in music.
Real talk: Kevin Conroy is the greatest Batman, Y/Y?
1. I agree that the (be it minority) rush to paint an underage person who likely was completely without fault as someone DESERVING OF DEATH is perhaps the most disgusted I have been in this country in my twenty years. 2. "Now, unless Zimmerman came charging at Martin and tried to attack him, there is no way to justify being on top of him and slamming his head into the ground. And at that point, the use of deadly force is justified." I agree that violence is typically a bad reaction. However, if we are going to make speculations, is it outside the realm of possibility that Zimmerman was physically threatening, called him a "nigger" or a "coon," or in some other way provoked Martin so much that he would fight him? He wouldn't have been beating him for no reason.
So even if we are to assume that he was bloodied and was on his back, didn't Zimmerman instigate the situation anyways? In the 911 call, he was only relaying he was suspicious of Trayvon, and was told to back off. Assuming he's racist (he is) and violent (he is), can't it reasonably assumed that he tried to pick a fight with Trayvon and it went badly for him? Trayvon was minding his own business, why would he attack Zimmerman after the 911 call took place.
It's kind of sad what happened to John Carter. I saw it and though it was great fun, like the original Flash Gordon without the insane camp. Most comments on reviews of people who saw it liked it as well. Disney murdered the marketing, and it's a shame cause I wouldn't mind seeing more of this movie franchise.
I"m not trying to be a creepy misogynist internet commenter, but am I the only guy that thinks that her face is not good? Because every other site people lust after her and I don't get it. I've seen minutes of that awful show, and she's always coated in makeup and plastic surgery.
His "doctoring" in season 2 is legendarily bad. I love it.
O'Brien actually tried to better this last season, but if she shows up with raccoon eyes in season 3 she'll have gone past the point of no return.
"Who are you, Jenny and Vanessa," is one of the greatest lines in VG recap history. Yeah I said it. P.S. Lady Mary is awesome.
I believe in you...being able to sustain a film career without any discernible charisma, talent, or a speaking voice typically used by human beings.
Sleigh Bells is awesome but the mix didn't do them any favors. The Maya Rudolph sketch was historically funny. JT's Bon Iver was hilarious.
No joke, probably in my top 5 favorite players right now.
Is Krieger hard at work in there? He literally might be, yes.
Clearly what we need to do is get ready of all of our technology, hop on some boats, and sail to a territory that is uncharted (except for the natives), and colonize the shit out of it. HOLD ON. KIRK CAMERON IS SECRETLY ADMIRAL ADAMA!
Not pictured: Her left hand and his penis. Just sayin'
I love when Republicans say the most ignorant and stupid thing imaginable it's always the fault of the press. Always.
At first I was kind of meh with the hardcore, but then when the "breakdown" started with the trampoline bouncing, oh did I laugh. HARDCORE KID IN 2012!
That was so shocking my monocle flew off.
I almost wept too, but that game was depressing because the victory was in their grasp and Favre frakked it up. This one they were really never in the game. So 2008 was a shocking pain, this was a growing numb feeling that they were going to lose.
Hi fellow Packer fan! That was easily top 5 worst games of my life. But look on the bright side! Downton Abbey is new tonight!
The song is just goose bump inducing awesome.
Their lawyer must have a Chipper attitude to work this case!
Some people have never read Kissing Suzy Kolber.
That's because Hines Ward is THE WORST. Seriously, what a douche.
Smarrest leceivel on fierd now onry leceivel on feird.
A slow clap for describing that scum as the killer of Kurt Cobain, because that is one of those things that would be completely unsurprising if it's true. Terrible human being.
"720: Skate or Die!" is the story set in the not too distant future of an oppressive society where all must compete in X-Games based gladiator contests. The winners receive fame and luxury beyond the wildest dreams. The losers are rarely seen again. And the penalty for not competing? Death! Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson and starring Ryan Sheckler, Elle Fanning, and Tony Hawk as "The Mentor."
Kelly, you really need to get on the Pushing Daisies bandwagon because it is DELIGHTFUL.
This will obviously be bad, but what's worse: this or the Bryan Singer Battlestar Galactica movie? LEAVE MY TV SHOWS ALONE HOLLYWOOD!
Does this movie include scenes of me playing with my Legos, trying to create wonderful designs but failing due to lack of Lego talent, and then just following the instructions?