
Quality of the commercial aside...I've seen 4 or 5 websites (just of the ones I frequent) post about this commercial in addition to people I know sharing it on facebook & twitter. So whatever this cost him, it was money well spent as far as reach goes.'s like you didn't even SEE the flaming hammer.
After that commercial, I turned to my friends and was like, "Oh man, so many racists all across the country are so mad right now!" thinking that anyone who was actually racist enough to be mad about it would just make a comment at their party and their friends would roll their eyes and that would be the end of it. Turns out it was a whole thing! Also I can't stop laughing at the fact that some people made jokes that they hated it because they can only speak one language (English). Like, sorry your ignorance makes you unable to understand this.
When I was in 5th grade (ish) I made a fashion design book. It was seriously late 80s/early 90s fabulous! It even had hairstyle suggestions (one example: the "fountain"). On a recent trip home, my mom showed it to mr truck and it now makes frequent appearances in our jokes. Example: Me: How's my hair? Mr Truck: Well, it's nice, but wouldn't The Fountain match that outfit better?
Yes, I was her when she was muttering to herself about how wasteful that guy was being.
Yeah I made a joke during Parks & Rec when Andy said to Ann, "I just remembered we used to date!" I was like, "a writer said that to another writer and they put it in the show."
I cried during Parks & Rec, not even embarrassed. Community was pretty good. Workaholics was funny. Archer was great. I like Broad City a lot. Bob's Burgers was great as always.
That was delightful. I would love to have taken my cat and let him play in the snow but he won't even go outside when it's sunny and warm. He would probably be just like this cat in the snow. My dog was a little timid at first, definitely not liking how cold it was, but then he started running around and playing in the snow and it was truly glorious. He also liked licking the snow. nom nom nom.
Guys. This Super Bowl is between two teams who are both from states with legal weed. This year there will be Super Bowl Weed Recipes: smoke weed (not really a recipe, just a reminder for those who started early)
This is very close to what I'll actually be drinking.
Potatchos are tator tots covered with cheese and other nacho toppings. Tonight we just had cheese and bacon so it had some stuff in common with bacaroni & cheese. The main relation is that both are delicious and terrible for you so rarely eaten.
Also I'm glad you weren't caught in the mess!!
Spent most of the day watching season 5 South Park and that's so great! Had a semi-snowball fight with mr truck and watched our dog seriously love the snow. Had potatchos for dinner and now we're watching Bloodsport. I'm very lucky to not have weather-related issues and to "work from home" these past two days (which is hilarious cause I sent my boss a bunch of emails and he didn't respond to a single one. At least I tried!).
Thanks! I've been in my house the last two days, thankfully.
"FUCK THIS SHIT!!!" -my cat, upon being taken out in public and forced to hang out with other cats. Wow, I just realized my cat has social anxiety. Poor guy. Maybe now the dog will cut him some slack.
So they're still making X-Men movies, huh?
I thought Leo looked like a Dad which made me kind of sad.
Yeah but for me it's also very insulting to the lady like "you're so fucking giant I cannot imagine that you are able to contain your own offspring and it looks like you are incapable of keeping your stomach from blowing up all over everything." which is just rude.
I don't mind "moist". Don't mind "womb" either but HATE when people use the phrase "ready to pop" about pregnant women.
I really enjoyed Archer this week. I laughed SO much. New Girl was good but I was also bothered by logistics. I am glad Mindy & Danny kissed but I felt sad for Cliff. I LOVED Community Lava war game thing. I thought it was like all the great old episodes like the blanket fort and similar. Just really fun. I agree with Emu up there about how Leslie Knope is annoying for the first 2/3 of the episode. But I did love Andy's story and Ron's listening to Willie Nelson during the complaints. Whine & Cheese made me want cheese (already had wine).
"We forgot!" -the writers probably
Totally normal: your principal is on your bed. So normal.
I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to write the words as I feel them. You have given me a wonderful gift that I simply cannot thank you enough for. You have reminded me that I have the ability to google image search "Saved By the Bell gifs" and look through the results. Now I'll always have the perfect gif to comment on anything as SBTB knows all human emotions. Excited. Scared. The whole gamut. You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Wonder what's up with that guy.
Why, cookie? WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME???? my stomach hurts. Too rich, cookie, too rich.
Guys! Cookie Update! I ate it. It was delicious. Great job, everyone.
Guys! Unrelated! Today is another "Cookie Day" (tm) I believe it's peanut butter. And I believe I'll be eating it around 3pm. Will keep you posted as necessary.
"Do you like pears?" "I LOVE pears!" "Let's form a pear bond!"
We've all been in relationships where we are the lava and then others where we are the coke. Don't need no coke n lava drama.
I am very late to this so maybe I'm just sharing for personal benefit, but in case anyone is still reading, here's how my day went yesterday (including some weekend stuff!): Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment and I think the thing that has been a thorn in my side will be resolved or at least worked on. Not a literal thorn in my side...i'll just get a mouse to pull that shit out. Sweet little mouse. Work was pretty good but some days I feel useless (even though I'm not) and yesterday was one of those days. Then I talked to my best friend on the phone for like an hour and she's seriously the best person ever and so great!!! We get to see each other in 2 weeks!!!! Then while I was talking to my best friend, mr truck was fixing this thing on the house and he's very handy! Then I made him Brinner (tm) which is breakfast for dinner and it was delicious. He has been working like crazy this month (including working saturdays) and he got me pretzels with mustard and dessert treats and reuben fixin's on Friday night and then Saturday night we went to my friend's birthday bar crawl and we got a really great deal on an awesome hotel room downtown so we wouldn't have to drive and we just had a great time. I had been thinking I should do more sweet stuff for him because he's been working like crazy (I got him his favorite drink which is very hard to find!) but then he goes and does a bunch of sweet stuff for me because he's great. I'm planning a baby shower for my other best friend (the reason I'm seeing both of my best friends in two weeks) and it's gonna be the fucking cutest, best thing ever. Also above when I typed "fixin's" I hope you all said it ala Kenny Powers & Stevie on Eastbound & Down because that's how I ALWAYS say it from now on. Someday my kids will be at school pronouncing it like that and they're gonna get made fun of and all of the sudden discover that their parents are weirdos.
Sleepy Corgi is me in the morning.
the original is probably one of my favorite movies ever. If you go back and watch it, it might not seem as funny to you and for that I am very sorry. But it's seriously the best movie ever and so funny and so great. Maybe watch it once a week for the next 3-4 years and then you'll love it so much.
Benedict Comesback
Oh that Jennifer Lawrence is just so great. Also I love that dress.
Yeah, he was on Degrassi