
I also love the "candid shot" of the two producers talking to each other while both on their phones.
I'm worried about WaLuigi, you guys.
Goddammit. Wendy's was the fast food company that PIONEERED the art of keeping meat in warming drawers. They were doing it years before McDonald's did. And they did it so they could say that unlike McDonald's, your burger was made fresh every time, when really it was just ASSEMBLED fresh. Then McDonald's followed suit, and now they're talking shit about it. I enjoy me some Wendy's, but they lie like Republicans.
5 years ago a friend and I came up with an Odd Couple type concept called "The Kike and The Dyke." The theme song was set to the tune of "The Lady is a Tramp." "She’s welding iron while he’s eating lox, He’s an accountant, she munches on box, She buys imported, he says 'we can't afford it!' But still...the Kike lives with the Dyke." Back then it was a far-fetched idea, but now I WILL TAKE ALL MY CHECKS MADE OUT TO CASH, HOLLYWEIRD.
I just can't wait until Space Invaders: The Videogame: The Movie: The Videogame comes out.
I'm gonna be a total troll and say: A) After getting all amped up about The Room and hearing about it for years, I was disappointed to find out it was a fairly run of the mill softcore porn that somehow gained a lot of notoriety. B) Any and all tributes to The Room at this point are severely two thousand and late. It's been 8 years.
Reminds me of "The Love Toilet" from SNL
The "all the good supercuts have been made" argument is going to be the new "all the good songs have been written" argument!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtlenecks
How quickly the world has forgotten about Witchboard and Witchboard 2.
OK. So at the beginning of the Donny Deutsch hand model interview, she says he can't touch her hands. Then she proceeds to tell him that NOBODY touches her hands - even guys she dated - and her husband didn't even get to touch her hands until their wedding night. So basically, her hands must maintain a purity akin to her virginity. Then at the end of the interview, she tells Donny he can touch her bare hands. So to sum things up, Ellen Sirot basically let Donny Deutsch fuck her in front of her husband and America.
They have warrants out for attempted herder.
"I don't see why that question is so funny anyway. Also, I am now head writer for the Daily What." -Nick Madson
It makes me wonder, if there was some kind of operation that would make them deaf, would it cure this? Or is it some kind of sensation from the vibrations? #scientificgum
That is true, this site is a good place for a video like this, but it's safe to say that pretty much nowhere else on the internet is.
I agree with you, and there are far more videos that are far meaner in spirit. And sure, this kid got a big round of applause at the event, but this video has been posted all over the place, and not necessarily with the kindest of intentions. I'm not even daring to look at the youtube comments. I'm gonna shut up about it now now because I get annoyed when people get offended on other people's behalf, and maybe he's actually loving the attention, but in this day and age of kids killing themselves something something the internet, I'd err on the side of not possibly furthering his humiliation.
Downvote away, and sorry for getting seriousgum, but I do find it a little hypocritical that we talk about (ok, Twitter) how terrible bullies are and then post this video as something to laugh at, when this kid clearly has Aspergers or something of the like. And even if he didn't, we are still laughing at him and not with him. And Gabe, this kind of goes against your philosophy that when the person doesn't intentionally post it on the internet for the world to see, then it's not really fair to make fun of them. And for all we know this was taped by some guy that was taping everybody's question in the hopes that someone like this guy would show up. And none of this really matters because now I'm talking like the kid in the video.
I'm just gonna show up at the bottom of this thread drunk. I'm drunk! Guys.
Two things. 1. I first read "...and the toothbrush still lolling out of the side of his mouth" and thought "Why the fuck is the toothbrush laughing?" and then realized that the internet is ruining everything. 2. Why are we being mean to Eric Stoltz? I mean this isn't THAT mean but Eric Stoltz always seemed like a pretty nice guy. And finding out about the whole BTTF thing made me feel bad for the guy.
But it's not though, it's about a broke dude who got dumped by a gold-digging chick. I think the line "I guess she's an XBOX, and I'm more Atari" should have made that pretty obvi.
At first, from your description, I was like, "Oh, interesting, come to think of it quicksand hasn't really been around much in movies and TV anymore." And then I started reading the article and it took a complete left turn into the quicksand fetish world and I was like, "This is really not what I came here to read about at all."
This and all the other videos of old dudes breaking into spontaneous dance are obviously a viral marketing campaign for the upcoming "Cocoon" reboot. Rare miss, Delahaye.
Windows 95 was around by the time Pogs became a big deal. Did you go to one of them inner city schools?
This is not so much a photobomb as it is a "these girls are pretending to take their picture but obviously know i'm behind them so I might as well just smile."
I agree about the scene itself - I liked the totally out-of-left-field earnest direction that it took and how it went into an area that I never would have expected it to. And then of course it made me hate Nick Dipaolo even more for predictably diffusing it with the "faggot" comment at the end. You could see it coming from a mile away and just fuck that guy.
The bathroom scene was the only disappointment to me, because I've seen the "guy pounding on the door then leaving" gag pulled somewhere else, and it ruined it for me. But the milk thing had me lolololing.
I like that he's pulling back on the working-class schtick. I mean yes, he used to be broke, but it's obvious now that the guy's got money, we're not gonna buy that he's poor all the time. So buying the fleet of limos for the kids, and talking about the Infiniti, while still maintaining the same worldview must have been hard to keep funny without seeming obnoxious, but he pulls it off. That said, I felt the first episode was leaps and bounds better than the second one, which was merely decent. I feel like if you saw that one before you saw the pilot, you would call it promising in the Lucky Louie promising. Maybe it's just because I fucking hate Nick DiPaolo and Jim Norton with a goddamn fucking passion.
You know what they say about what would eventually happen if you chain 1,000 monkeys to 1,000 typewriters for infinity? This is what comes out on day 732.
I gave everyone an E for Effort, ya know? This particular game just lacks a need for any kind of creativity. I was commenting on the game leading to boring comments, not so much the commenters themselves. What good does it serve? Well when everyone just jumps into an activity and mindlessly contributes without thinking about it, I like to think there are a few of us that realize when it's a little dumb. Apparently I'm alone on that one. 9/11 changed everything.
UGH. This is my first time coming out of the woodwork in so long (thank you slow work week), and if I get weeks lowest rated comment for going against the grain I'm going to be so embarrassed I just might DIE! Of embarrassment.
Oh man, total sidebar, but voting and complaining about the country going to shit isn't any better. "Hey, I left an insignificant blip that was probably miscounted by an electrical machine that can easily be hacked in a state that is going to swing for the other guy no matter what but at least I did my part! Now how bout what a douchebag our government is?"
Oh man, so sensitive you guys! I didn't say it was lame. And I even said it was a rare miss. But no, I'm not wrong. The average upvotes hover around +1 or +2. It is not because all y'all suck, everyone gets an E for Effort. But can't we just call a spade a spade? They can't all be gems.
I hate to be that guy that only offers criticism without any constructive advice, but I am about to be that guy that only offers criticism without any constructive advice. I don't know if this BNPG is working out very well. But rare miss, everyone! ;(
Sigh, this awesomeness comes close to canceling out the fact that MC Chris played the Gathering.
The father of David after dentist had a camera in his pocket and his son was acting funny, so he taped it. He thought people might find it funny so he put it on the internet, and it happened to explode. The father of the balloon boy staged an elaborate hoax costing hundreds of thousands of tax dollars in the hopes of getting a reality show. Pretty big diff if you ask me.
At first I was like wow, a woman in her 80s is DJing, then I was like, oh wait, she's 69? She's younger than my mom and looks way older than my mom. So now I'm like, whatever, lady.
Westboro Baptist Church is the Jeff Dunham of Christian Fundamentalism. The only reason they exist is because people look at them. They feed off the bad press. Always best to just ignore them.