
I saw your mommy and your mommy's.... racist.
a few years ago J went to India and met some sort of spiritual guru whatever and had some sort of awakening. I'm pretty sure that has something to do with why he's so mellow now (and no longer tries to kill Barlow on stage). or maybe it's because he is now my grampaw.
"the real fans still call them Dinosaur." this is an actual thing that I swear to God was said to me.
as per usual, me nominate Stranger than Fiction and Irreversible. the former is just the worst, and the second is also the worst but in a much more powerful way that I will not bother going into elaboration on since I have in the past. I also plan on nominating (STAY TOONED FOR REAL) some movie with Randy Quaids brother and 40 Days and 40 Nights boring guy where they're father and son communication from beyond the grave via CB radio or something. I watched it on HBO once and it was stunning in it's insatiable appetite for being the craziest thing ever, but yeah, I forget the name. "great story, would read again" -that editor at Yankee magazine that stopped replying to me a few months ago.
I'm glad Anne Heche could finally get her Julianne Moore transfusion. thanx Obama!
nothing remotely ironic or lovingly nostalgic ABOUT real time beatings/rapings. woof. I'm putting on my jammies, because it's time for me to go to bed.
you could probably make the arguement that it is intending to be the WMOAT. I guess under that logic it would be disqualified from the hunt, but the rules seem more geared toward movies that are trying to be ironic or genre exercises or something. and clearly there is nothing remotely ironic or lovingly nostalgic than real-time beating/rapings, at least not yet (your movie Hollywood!)
I actually had already nominated Irreversible before this, it's just a convenient way to make my nomination pretend relevant or something. true story (kewl story): I actually sort of like Irreversible, because I think it's some manner of accomplishment if your movie succeeds perfectly as what you wanted it to be and the effect you wanted it to have on your audience. I spent most of the movie hunched over, trying to not vomit from the casual brutality or the uhhh cinematography (is it still called that if it just causes seizures and vertigo?). so like Funny Games, I think it is a well crafted film that has a point of view and is successful in what it tries to do. and like Funny Games I will never never never never never never never fucking watch that shit again if you fucking paid me. but Gabe should. because Gabe being miserable is always funny.
I renominate Irreversible, because clearly Gabe has a rape fetish that I think should be explored safely in private with a loving, understanding partner. I am that partner, Gabe. the safe word is "gorilla".
WHOA let's dial back the righteous indignation for a second, or don't bother since you're already comparing this to race (yikes! also, no!). and I don't know if you've ever set foot inside say a Taco Bell, because I don't know you and wasn't accusing you of anything angrypants, but there are plenty of people that just want to fuckin' eat junkfood all day long. and that's fine! that's their decision. I don't tell people what to do and I don't go around making fun of someone for those choices, and I thought I was pretty clear about that? I don't really get this vitriol, but it's not going to scare me into agreeing with you. I have a large family, and most of them are obese, and a lot of them live in the rural south and don't have great education and I was overweight most of my adolescent life, so I kinda have some experience with real living breathing overweight people! not going to medical school does not exclude me from inferring that if some hypothetical person is 100 pounds overweight that they probably don't stick to low fat foods and exercise regularly. that is common sense, not some weird anoerexia cabal out to get everyone in middle america. again, that isn't passing judgement on them, just an observation. but this seems less like something you want to have a rational discussion about and more something you want to sass me about for some perceived slight against you or the woman in the video (which i didn't watch because I thought the joke was the cum comment, not the video itself), which was never intended. so yes, I totally feel better than everyone histrionic person I've never met on the internet, thanx for asking.
also (this is late and these are posting out of order for some reason), I understand that locality and education and class do factor into this discussion, but at the same time it seems to get bandied about as somehow nullifying things. at some point someone has to understand that eating nothing but cheetos and orange soda is killing them. that was my point about the whole Mexican family in Food Inc. these people despite being poor were not stupid! they were aware of why they (and it implied their children) had health problems, but they were saying that their poor health that was a result of their eating habits had made their medical expenses so large that they had to eat garbage food. and it showed them in a large supermarket, hence my mentioning the things they could have easily bought (and I think it's a little insulting to insinuate that just because someone is working class they don't understand that rice is healthier than McDonalds). this was just an example I was using! we are all poor battered obese snowflakes. so yeah, overall I think it's both reductive and vaguely offensive to play it as overweight malnurished people in this country as just being like too dumb to know better. how is that more compassionate than suggesting they take better care of themselves?
so you aren't responsible for what you put in your body, even when you are educated about it? and the people that do are the ones with the problem? I really fail to see how turning around and accusing people that are saying you could live a healthier lifestyle without any really serious effort are like the boogymen here. I am the last person that wants to tell someone what to do with their life, you can eat all the pizza and mr. pib you want, I genuinely mean that. BUT there is ultimately personal culpability, and if someone else has a body image issue or whatever you're implying that doesn't absolve you of said responsibility to take care of yourself or not to. at some point, we as a society have to stop always being victims of everything. BURN THE BED AMERICA!
also I think my highest rated comment ever was a Kobiyashi Maru joke. TRUST MONSTERS.
She tasks me. She tasks me, and I shall have her. I'll chase her 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flame before I cum!
oh and bringing up that videogum is a "liberal blog" doesn't really seem like a relevant point? or is that just me?
I should point out that I realize that pasta and sauce or rice and beans isn't going to get you every single important nutrient (I used to be a lazy vegan, I've had vitamin deficiency, it blows) but neither is a bag of burgers. and pasta won't give you diabetes or colon cancer either.
I am underemployed, and I definitely understand that to eat really healthily it can be prohibitively expensive sometimes and I'm not trying to be condescending but I don't know, rice and beans? like I remember watching Food Inc and that immigrant family was talking about all their health problems and how it was due to their inability to afford quality food products so they ate Burger King all the time and how it was a vicious cycle since now all their money went to medical bills. and I felt really bad for them! but then I thought about it and realized that Burger King isn't really less expensive than some healthier ingredients you could buy at the grocery store? like a burger and fries and a drink is like five bucks or around that right? what would a box of pasta and red sauce for 4 people be? or the afformentioned rice and beans. or something hearty and cheap and easy to cook like potatoes or turnips or something? greens are usually dirt cheap as well and really packed with nutrients (I'm talking mustard, collard, turnip etc here). again, it just seemed like a weird arguement to make since I am myself poor and manage to avoid eating junk food without dropping a grand at whole foods. JUST SAYING. yeah videogum is definitely the forum for this discussion and not youtube. I just got cum in my cereal (sorry)
he's going to ruin that rich corinthian leather.
just like Billy Dee Williams as Harvey Dent in the Tim Burton Batman! Billy Dee Williams IS Bane! "I will not kill you, I will BREAK YOU! this deal gets worse all the time!" I had too much coffee.
they should call this LEBRON IN CHARGE. because he charges. like all the time. and never gets called for it. I'm so lonely.
beware Romulans bearing gifts!
to be fair, I'm pretty sure Human Pony Girl is at least partially based on Gwenyth Paltrow. (#everybodyappreciatessamhainjokes)
I was in a dollar store buying RC Cola on my lunch break (#mlit) and I was privy to this exchange between a girl of about seven and her mother: girl: mommy, the world is going to end in 2012 mommy: oh hush sweetie, not it isn't girl: YES IT IS mommy: good, that means you'll be dead in a year. HAPPY NEW WEEK EVERYBODY
I am going to be in Boston and Providence next week but do not have Lowell in my itinerary (like everyone else taking a vacation). but if I'm in the neighborhood some day I'll alert you. friends are nice!
they all pale in comparison to the true center of civilization, Pittsfield Massachusetts. just kidding, we're already dead.
the fact that a person that is famous and has lots of money and power and influence and can assuage their narcissistic tendancies by watching themselves on TELEVISION whenever they want still buys those fucking flamejob sam's club shirts..... I have no way of ending that sentence. I'm going to go bathe in brine and wear a hair shirt for a couple days, hold my calls.
at least they weren't hanging out at Cabo Wabo. FUCK WERE THEY HANGING OUT AT CABO WABO??
mad late to the party. even so, my two nominees that I'll be stumping for in the most obnoxious fashion over the coming ways: STRANGER THAN FICTION & IRREVERSIBLE
flipflops in the kitchen!
Guy Fieri is a sentient mozzarella stick. these guys know what you're talking about. JOBY IN A BAG!
I cannot understand why this doesn't have MORE upvotes. or is videogum cyclical like the Mayan calendar, and this comment already 2012'd and is back up to 61? if that isn't it I'm disappointed in people.
ghost of christmas downvotes strikes again. REPENT!