
Why does she have to pick on Melvin?
an UpVote for strength and self control
Only here can a video about chinchillas be related to Tank Girl. Bravo
That dude was about to shit a brick... ...a Lego brick. Good Night Everybody!
Why does he keep looking to the left? Is his shoulder hair advancing on his face constantly?
I really didn't set out to say the most hated thing of the week, honest. But I either guess you die the hero, or live long enough to see your self badmouth Tracy Morgan and become the villain.
Where is H.O.O.P. and Lindsay Bluth Fünke when we need her?!?!
Russ is doing his job as a celebrity, I always feel he is a cut above the rest.
Wow, I feel ashamed I never noticed the Dramatic Chipmunk portrait in the back ground.
This young man grew up to be featured in a video for the Bluth's T.B.D. charity drive. "Keep on fighting little guy!"
We don't have cable, so which is the "Urine Channel"?
Dinosaurs references always get up votes
"Gavel Gavel GAVEL!" ~ Sorry, I lost my gavel yesterday.
Anyone who recognizes the existence and superiority of Sifl and Oily will always get an up vote from me.
Maybe we should go with "Crash of the Kitans" ? Your tag line works purrfectly with that.
This sequel for "Clash of the Titans" is already shaping up to be better then the first...
Things are KITTEN crazy outside!
"For British Eyes Only~!!" ♫
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