
He was doing it for good luck, you guys. It worked for Argentina!
This looks so good! Thanks Josh! On a similar note, they're remaking Goldeneye, one of the best games of all time. (I don't know how to hyperlink)
This looks so good! Thanks Josh!
Meanwhile, in a funeral parlour in West Baltimore (I'm still on Season 3): "10 grand to the man who can bring me Omar and his Gabe-boy friend." I am 100% sure there is a better pun on "gay" and "Gabe" out there.
Gabe, you're a very brave boy, but don't ever go to Baltimore.
Unrelated, but the page your avatar is from is one of the coolest pages from any comic of all time, and one of the top reasons why I love Preacher.
Thanks, everyone! And lizzing, no, I just had a good old-fashioned campaign, that's all. Oh, the 10 grand? Yeah, that's mine.
I didn't watch this because Jim Carrey is always making faces that look like he's having sex, so I have a pretty good idea what that looks like. As for the rest of him, who would want to see Jim Carrey's naked body? No, seriously, who? Reply to this comment if you want to see Jim Carrey's naked body.
I feel that Chris Hansen.jpg has already been posted far too many times than is desirable this week.
So this is what these dudes are doing instead of the Arrested Development movie. I see how it is.
Nova Scotia REPRAZENT!
Huckabeast, there are two different versions of Nick Fury. One is from the Ultimate universe, and he was actually modelled on Samuel L. Even though the movies aren't of the Ultimate storyline, I guess they decided that Sam Jackson would be much more badass than the Hoff, as indeed he is. In short, I am a huge nerd.
I'm pretty sure calling him Faget would be just as offensive.
In Soviet Russia they call TWSS "As the soldier said to you!"
I refuse to watch, as I am allergic to Glenn Beck.