
It is entirely possible though that my comment inadvertently drove everyone away (except that one guy, hi guy!) because I am like a black hole on this site and now they are IN FACT ignoring this post, and that is entirely my fault. If that's the case I apologize, vehemently. I am still watching though; Reagan was dull, Teddy Roosevelt was not, Conan's hair is hypnotizing, learning lotsa stuff from Conan and that guy! At least you got through to at least ONE person, Kelly, which is a victory in itself. A tiny, insignificant victory.
(All of us are very intrigued and we're watching it, Kelly, not ignoring your post, you know, we love you Kelly we love you) (but like you said, millions of minutes, that's a lot of minutes for a thing) (someone will be with you shortly to write something clever in appreciation, stay tuned) (this is just the way it has to be for something like this, we're sure you understand) (stay tuned!)
Especially when it's windy.
I'm sorry. Whatever you do, don't try playing the video while you look at the gif. The music adds this whole other sense of doom and general creepiness and despair and AAAAAH, but anyway, I'm sorry. I'm always sorry.
Yeah, Kelly, like ice cream.
Seems like we should ALL make Hansel and Gretel at least once, then.
He never watched it, though, so it's okay.
James Cameron should watch some TV for a change. Mix it up, James Cameron, just watch some TV. You need to humble down a notch and just realize that a lot of TV acting these days is better than most performances you've filmed, and some things even actually make you care about character development and crazy things like that! Just a few things where you don't have to concern yourself about whatever CG faceplates are because apparently all you think makes a movie a good movie is blue monkey catfish people tail-fucking their dinosaurs. So that was just me talking to James Cameron about technical stuff. see?
like this? you're gonna get me in trouble if that works, you know, because I am going to abuse the shit out of it...
you're so sensitive, whoever that was. I like that about you, though. it's a good quality. NEVER CHANGE.
It's okay. I thought it might be a bad time to ask. I was gonna post the ice scream monster lady. or not a lady. come on, it's a lady. but not the bad one; it was gonna be the giant tongue one. Um...I'm just gonna do you all a solid and stop commenting now.
this may seem like a bad time to ask (because it is) but how doth I post a gif? did I use "doth" right? there's all sorts of stuff I just don't know.
This broke my reality entirely and now Sesame Sr. is called Mulholland Drive and there's dumpster monsters and violent masturbation and WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??
I mean Mr. Rogers, not Rodgers. The 'd' we all added to the dead guy's name is on YOU, Kelly, because we all assume you are perfect, which you usually are you beautiful wonderful misspelling mostly-perfect funny pretty lady you.
Technically, Yes. In our hearts, Never (or No). Which is neither a yes or a no, but let's call it a No to prevent me further confusing myself. This of course is in response to the Looper thing; go ahead and replace Mr. Rodgers with a cat for all I care. Mr. Rodgers is dead.
Here, let me at least do the theme song: BAD ROBOT. YOU'RE A BAD BAD ROBOT BAD ROBOT! [dubstep part, and it's awful] he's just a mothafuckin robot in the mothafuckin streets does lotsa robot things AND HE'LL FUCK YOU UP plus he's a cop robot and it's a bad idea for a show. BAD ROBOT: A Bad Robot Buddy Cop Show, featuring a not-robot too, I guess. pow! LOST I don't even know where the theme song ended and the commentary began or even what the show is called anymore but I think it's a reboot of Lost now, so, well. I'm sorry, again, really, there should be some kind of rule against me posting on these make-up-a-name-for-a-thing posts.
I've seen too many of those Bad Lip Reading videos so I very clearly imagine her doing a rooster impression here instead of saying "that's hot."
I imagine him making very guttural, throaty, Nick-Nolte-sounding noises here, like "Yrrrrrrggghhhhh-GOD. DAMN IT. YRRRRRRRGH" and those are just his happy-noises.
Now I know I'm new and annoying to the commenting here and all, but has anyone suggested yet that maybe, occasionally, possibly, but rarely, not always, sometimes, maybe, oh I already wrote maybe, but, that maybe you two (Kelly and Gabe) might possibly once or twice do a Friendly Chat post as a VIDEO Friendly Chat? Maybe just once, test the waters and so forth. Like a Skype thing if you two don't interact in person (or do you? (I bet you have a lot of SEX)). Do you guys hate me now? I don't see why you would hate me so much; I'm just a simple little lady with little lady brains who's simply curious about a thing.
Hooray! I forgot about It's Always Sunny. (In Philadelphia (I usually just abbreviate it to 'It's Always Sunny' (I think most people do ('It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' is a long title)))). I miss everyone on that show and how they call each other things like "ass dick" and say other awesome things like "we need to stop pussy-dicking around" and stuff like that. Good stuff, always good stuff.
AAAAAAAHH!!! Why is that three and half minutes long? WHY WHY WHY
Pogo made YouTube a better place. Even the comments on his videos are semi-tolerable.
Oh, and there's The Walking Dead, Dexter, Justified, Fringe, we all like Fringe, right? I do, I really do. Probably others.
I mean, Pogo would have made them sing. Like, REALLY sing. Like, now I really want Pogo to make a Mad Men song. You guys all know Pogo, right? Yeah? He made Samuel L. Jackson my favorite rapper. "Say. What. Again. Say what again. Mothafucka. Say-say. Say-what-again. A bitch!" You know? If you don't know then I'm just a crazy person and ignore me.
You guys are all awesome. I want you to know as I keep coming back to read these wonderful insights that I'm thinking that. And that I'm watching you. And that I'm possibly INSIDE YOUR HOME WATCHING YOU, but no I'm not. (or am I? (no. (maybe))). All of you. I know I only replied to my BFFFF KajusX & Alyx4evr, but mostly I mean all of you.
Come on, you're a great TV maker, Truckasaurus. One day you'll show that jerk who's greater than him, I bet. And if not, then one day I'll hunch down behind him and you can jump out of nowhere and shove him good and he'll fall over and we can point and laugh at the jerk who is a better TV maker than you. Right? That's right. Serves Vince Gilligan right for being so great at TV making. Didn't he work on the X-Files too? What an asshole!
This Monster’s Ball especially speaks to me. It says, “You are inadequate, Alyx, and you always will be.” And I’m like, “Seriously, I know!” But then it cheers me up and says, “But hey, at least you’re a little more likeable than the stupid jerk who told Kelly to grow vagina balls, especially when he should have wrote ‘tiny lady balls.’” Aw, thanks, Monster’s Ball! That was very specific and nice. Good job, people better than me! Which is pretty much everyone but that one guy!
I am saying we have moon pie. We also put a little flag on the moon, to let the rest of the solar system know it's ours now because of dibs and suck it, Russia, that's OUR moon, and then we made moon pie and we wash our moon pie with moon gin and we were supposed to make hobbit holes in the moon to live in but we never did because we human beings as a species are an embarrassment to the universe we occupy and even lizard people are better than us and it's time we all find a NEW universe, where we can enjoy moon pie and appreciate the original remake of Scarface and be content with never knowing who Rihanna is.