Comments I didn't make these, I only found them.
More Double Dog Dares like in the olden days! Those were the absolute best.
I don't know, I've never had a problem being logged into both VG and FB at the same time and not crossposting. What I would like is an "edit" or "delete" comment option - at least for 5 minutes after posting (like on The Hairpin)
American Horror Story is amazing. It is camp straight-up. Nothing ever makes logical sense, and yet I never regret watching it.
I kind of love Chris Lilley, but sometimes I worry a bit about his portrayals of other races and ethnic groups. On the other hand:
I don't understand how people make these super-cuts. How many movies do they watch to get these clips? It seems insanely labour intensive.
I wish we were talking about American Horror Story because that show is bonkers!
Well, the idea is that the rapture rewards the Christians that believed based on faith alone - and then saves them from the torture of living through the End Times (the tribulation, the plagues, the 4 horsement, the anti-christ, the mark of the beast etc.). People can still become born-again after the rapture and they are saved from an eternity in hell, but they have to live and die in some pretty bad circumstances on earth. Um, and this is pretty weird - even after Jesus returns to earth for the final battle against Satan (where he throws him in a pit for 1000 years - and only 1000 years so we have to do this again in the future) there are STILL PEOPLE THAT DON'T BELIEVE. For Pete's sake, how much evidence do you need? Anyways - everyone should these books. They are insane!
I know this is all jokes, but honestly the number one goal of evangelical christians is to convert people. They use things like these books (and now movies) as conversion tools - to scare people into becoming born-again. They are literal about the bible, and I suppose if I was uneducated and honestly believed that the bible was literal I would also want to save everyone around me* *no I wouldn't
I also own the DVDs and they don't do the books justice at all. I am actually happy that they are rebooting this franchise! ugh, what is wrong with me?
I would take one for the team and read them all again. They are bonkers!! Riddled with typos and ridiculous dialog, I still couldn't put them down. Bonus fact: I bought them all at a Bible Store at an Outlet mall. For all your discount bible needs?
I have read the entire series of Left Behind.
A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.
It's weird, I came in here to say that this was one of the first episodes of Community that I really enjoyed!
I am into using "fork" as a descriptor of people now.
Oh straight up that is fucking rude - I was happy to see a woman without thin legs in this video - even if it was just a snippet. Not all guys are repulsed by bigger women.
Famous for being in a Gaga video as well
Oof lots of people find him quite hot to be perfectly honest.
One saying I learned here, on Videogum, from a commenter that said he/she learned it from a history teacher (some fact there might be wrong). Words and actions have consequences. One more time: Words and actions have consequences. So you can say and do all sorts of things, and comedians can stand up and spout hateful diatribes, but none of us should be surprised when there is a consequence to those words and actions. /thanks Videogum commenter who's name I don't remember - I think about that quote all the time. You must be new here. Some of us remember that Gabe working this blog alone was the anomaly, and additionally: Kelly is great.
hahaha - very funny! No really, roller derby is the fastest growing sport in history and the technology and manufacturing of roller skates has gotten a lot better in the past 10 years or so. There are a surprising number of people that prefer skates to blades, and you do see skate shops popping up all over the place these days.
My local "this guy" told me last weekend that he thinks I am so cool he named his World of Warcraft character after me. /not a joke
Derby monsters unite! There are a few of us floating around here.
Ummmm.... Roller skates are amazing and the best things ever, and are coming back (for real). /I own a roller skate shop
Ugh, movies are all so boring. I don't have the attention span for this! The only time I will watch a movie is if I can put english subtitles on and then fast forward at 1x speed and read the movie.
For reals this is my favourite dish - I especially love the crispy leaves and if I could find a way to make brussels sprouts chips that is all I would eat.
Um, I still do and always will love Speakers Corner! It is still very glamourous.
I'll admit I watch Jersey Shore. I thought season one was amazing, but season 2 and season 3... they were just nightmare material. Season 4 (I ran out of TV shows to watch!) where they are in Italy is kind of great again.
Kelly, I just found out that sperm, who are not that smart, will try to impregnate any cell they come in contact with. So next time someone gets a shot in the eye (I am so sorry), think about the sperm trying to impregnate their eye. /the horror
anarcho-syndicalists are the worst kind. Anarchists are always under 25, and if they are older, they have family money.
aaaah I still sing the Littlest Hobo song all the time!!
Why do anarchists drink coffee? Because proper tea is theft. hahahaha! Seriously though, I hope you are not saying you are a communist and an anarchist, because those two things can't exist side-by-side.
I think it also brings up how Jesse said a few episodes ago that Gus won't kill them because it would take years to groom someone to be a meth chemist... but maybe Gus is always grooming chemists and has some that are up-and-coming.
The thirtysomething recaps are one of my favorite parts of VG
After I saw Project X as a kid, I actually got down and knelt by my bed and prayed to god that he would help all the chimps in the world. Ugh, how depressing.
Dammit Kelly, I cried and cried, and I am in a public coffee shop.
I like that Gabe is getting more involved in the comments again.