
It's an awesome, awesome movie. I love it. The material was obviously very dear to the great Paddy Chayefsky. But it is defined by its thwarted ambition. Chayefsky adapts his book -- his book that tackles THE MEANING OF EXISTENCE -- into a script. And he happens to be one of the greatest screenwriters who ever lived. Sounds good! Oh, but he took his name off the movie. Hated it! And what we're left with is a lot of fast-talking, man ass, and William Hurt's ridiculous performance. Personally, I adore it for how ridiculous it is. But it's not a good movie; it's not a Bad-On-Purpose movie. It's a Whoops-We-Made-a-Very-Silly-Movie-About-The-Essence-of-Man movie.
Gabe: Shucks, time to watch "Honey"... GAME FACE! (aww, my first gif. i should get a life.)
gabe didn't mention the silly shaky hand thing because that's how he prepares to watch these movies.
Nicolas Cage's face is the William Hurt's shouting of acting. Can we get Altered States up in this bitch? I mean, I love that movie dearly, but it's good fodder for this. And maybe the definition of OOPS I GOT AHEAD OF MYSELF THERE.
NBC had a weak night, I think. Still some good laughs (pre-op centaurian, mukduk, "I may be a genius, but I'm not a lesbian"), but not what I expect on the night of the TRIUMPHANT RETURN of the best show on television. The Charlie Show, however, was finer than the finest raw jellybeans. Why do they even bother with non-Charlie plots?
are we talking about the same show? the one where a guy's foot gets cut (SPOILER) off?
I saw the five minutes of this show with the football team dancing and turned it off in a huff. I don't know why that elicited such a strong reaction from me: because I can't play football AND I can't perform? It's like all the kids who wouldn't hang with me in high school rolled into one.
Bert Cooper. Not because I don't love his character to bits (I do: "He's a bit of an eccentric, isn't he?") but because OH MAN that would be a crazy development without completely shaking the foundation of the show.
I live with my parents (way cool to start with!), but I was telling my mom that she should check out the local video store because there's a section for all her stupid British romcoms. Instead she gave me a list. I had to go up to cute punky clerk girl and ask, "Do you have Fever Pitch, the one with Colin Firth?" I could rent every Agnes Varda movie in the store and never win back her heart...
there aren't many novel ways to make fun of rush limbaugh. everybody has done it from every conceivable angle. like your mom. YOUR MOM!
I still watch. There are some stinkers, but it's not like bad new episodes make the great episodes not great. I'll watch it until it's canceled, and I'm not particularly eager for them to stop - wouldn't be terribly upset either, but consider that something like The Quagmire Show would take its place.
Ok, this may actually get me to join twitter.
I laughed so much during the cold open of Community that I had to rewind. I'm going to go ahead and say that it's time to stop calling it "promising" and start calling it "the best show on Thursday night until October 15th."
Winners of the night: "That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it." "How about I pound you like a boy - that didn't come out right." "I'll have... a birthday cake!" Losers of the night: Parks & Recreation, although it's getting better, did not have any Nick Offerman aka Ron Fucking Swanson.
Reminds me of when the Celtics raped the Lakers in the 08 Finals because it was AWESOME and I'd sign a petition to let that happen all the time. GO SPORTS!
Can you imagine Richard Lewis on The Hills? I would watch that show for infinity.
I think there should be some sort of allowance when it comes to artistic types. So long as we remain diligent in protecting little girls from getting raped by poor people, I see no problem letting the occasional classy rapist off the hook.
yeah, is the problem that girl talk doesn't make his page load slower? or that there's content above the fold? what a loser!
Precisely why I'd rather watch Bored to Death, Sundays at 9:30, only on HBO. It's not TV, it's HBO. It's like the cool refreshing Coca Cola to Jay Leno's Pepsi.
i'm down with scorsese. i was trying to compare how the departed winning the oscar when scorsese has done better work is like how gran torino gets the brunt of my eastwood grief even though he's maybe made shittier movies. reading over it again, i wasn't really clear about that. anyway, downvote away, errbody. every time i have this discussion irl i get irl downvoted. my defense is that -- disregarding stuff like 'taste' and 'quality' -- i still have very particular criteria for what i like in movies, and there is no room for dopey rightwing apologists in my imaginary canon. and for the record, i am cool.
I liked it better when it was called Space Cowboys. I don't know if I hate Gran Torino because it's the worst movie I've ever seen or if it's like how Scorsese won the Oscar for The Departed. That is, maybe Gran Torino is just the crowning achievement after a lifetime of suck. Anyway, Clint Eastwood makes dopey movies for dads who were never that sharp to begin with. Maybe not the worst filmmaker ever but one of the most conspicuously awful one, for sure. He's the rightwing Sam Mendes, which is really the meanest thing I've ever said about anybody.
i laughed a lot at this episode. well, i rewound to see your dear friend's oh-fuck-i-said-'fuck' face. a lot. that was very funny and kind of endearing, and i have to give her credit for staying professional while her brain was obviously on fire. but this was a weak episode. fred armisen was criminally underused (give the guy a line in english!), and seth meyers is not very good at weekend update. if i had to give constructive criticism to the snl, it would be, "almost, guys. almost!" because i'm really bad at that sort of thing. didn't help that the digital shorts were retarded.
videogum has been lackluster all around this week if you ask me no offense seriously not meant to hurt any feelings just take it easy. mocking people mocking kanye, something lottery something, ... a cougar town recap? you used to have exploitative yet legal videos of children that i could RELATE to! but i don't know what a twilight is or what state romania is in. we're just not clicking anymore and it's not just because i went off my meds cold turkey. but still... this is a cold, nasty world we live in. make it warmer.
And "The Lake House" was an allegory for Romanian-American foreign relations.
I agree. Definitely would have preferred balding overactor Superman to that bland what's-his-fuck. Maybe Superman would have a had a stutter or OCD or something awesome like that? Up-up-up-up-up-up-up-and-away! Basically, that movie could have been really entertaining and maybe not 5 hours long.
blood spatter, vietnam, and a grassy motif. bring on the kennedy assassination!
how astoundingly stupid. dumber than the time casey struck out in catcher in the rye.
first, fjm reunion. now the poet laureate of kansas city in autotune. does today get any better?
Next is The Skinny Fat Guy. It's about what happens when a skinny guy (Rob Schneider) switches bodies with a Fat Guy (Kevin James). Not a lot happens. They just play golf with Ray Romano. And Adam Sandler has a cameo as a Mexican bartender. And Bob Barker has a cameo. Wait, is Bob Barker still alive?
A show about a blog about a show about a bunch of Monsters trying to come up with metafictional show ideas. Actually, I would watch that. I lose again. Just call me David Foster *sad trombone.* It's funnier if you say it aloud. John Barf?
Tom Wolfe goes clothes shopping. BECAUSE IT'S GOING TO BE A WHITE SUIT, GET IT!?!? Actually, I would watch that. I lose.
I've been busy doing volunteer work, which is not as fun as it sounds. Sorry, videogum.
Awww, these comments make me wish I was losernerd like you guys.
I guessing a big part of this season will have to do with the stresses of Sally's forthcoming behavioral problems. And Sal can't keep gaying it up with that becoming a big issue. Like how they mentioned a few times that Fred Rumson had a drinking problem, and then all of a sudden he peed. Maybe Sal will do whatever gays do instead of peeing.
Team doctors need to do a better job of checking for concussions.
Now I get why Michael Jordan is always avoiding him.
The whole Sally-is-starting-to-hate-her-parents-and-sees-monks-on-fire-and-starts-to-act-out thing is straight outta American Pastoral. SPOILER: In season 8, she commits an act of domestic terrorism.
Smell ya later, COLLEGE BOYs and girls. I'ma run this place now. Going to spend ALL DAY commenting on everything, multiple times. Maybe even using my alternate accounts, arthur so-so and arthur yeah whatever, who, respectively, extol the virtues of Boondock Saints IN ESPERANTO and hate Gabe (in English). My parents won't be the only people upset that I needed some 'time off' to 'find myself.'